Jimmy referenced Chip Cartoon today

41  2016-09-19 by Mr702law

It was while they were talking about that Feldman video. Apparently Feldman is very upset at some of the online hatred towards that video since it came out. Jimmy said something like "that's nothing, try putting out a Chip Chipperson cartoon."


I didn't see any hatred towards Feldman. It was just cringe. I think most people know he was very badly raped you see.

On the other hand, Jimmy ripped off his fans

Hey, he was just following in Sarkeesian's mincing footsteps

do ppl think idiots deserve to be ripped off? i didnt get the memo for the first 100th times ppl made that edgy comment

Please refrain from typing "ppl" ever again.


It's not edgy, its just the opinion of non-faggots.

"Edgy" has become a nonsense word.

i am happy that jim turns out to be a scammer stealing retards money but making that same comment every time chip cartoon is mentioned turn them into faggots and cumia

It's true every time, though. For me to be mad at Jimmy would require me to feel any sympathy for someone who donated money after seeing the rancid pilot. I cannot muster this sympathy.


Well, if Feldman kickstarted a project, then lie about it and steal from his fans, I'm sure he would get a similar reaction.

Also he at least used to be famous and his music is nowhere near as bad as Chip cartoon.

He did have a kickstarter campaign and I think you could pay him to tweet you or something. Not sure if that was just a ruse to allow Jenny Carmichael to show off her singing chops though.

It's fawking hilarious to me that they list perks for donations 10k+

Jim should fire whoever had the judgement to ask his fans for money. Talk about having no self-awareness of your fanbase

i thought the out of touch fool talked himself into it after decade of talking to shrinking fanbase behind the xm paywall

Agree...the music stinks but that Chip cartoon was way worse...and much worse than some of the explainer videos I've made on goanimate.com...If he paid a lot for that he got ripped off big league.

Jimmy got 60k and bailed on the project but I keep forgetting he asked for TWO-HUNDRED THOUSAND. What a delusional mealworm.

Feldog got supermolested.

R.I.P Mike Jax.


That's funny as fuck. I hope that was partly the result of me constantly tweeting at him asking for my perks and calling him a nigger over the past few days. I thought he wasn't seeing my messages because I hadn't been blocked yet.

be the change you want to see in the world

Imagine if Feldman mooched off a radio show's fan base for money to make that song and then never fulfilled the promises that earned the money for the Production.

haha anybody remember he said hes supposed to get the poster to sign them like 2 months ago?

He's still developing the Perk Fulfillment and Distribution Emporium and hiring a legal team to discuss the ramifications of sending out that first Retweet he promised.

He really should ask for 200k more to make an app for the perk distribution logistic, an iPhone and iPad for all the distribution centre reps etc

Feldman's music is awful but funny. Only one of those applies to the chip cartoon.

Also Feldman isn't a THIEF.

I'm still trying to figure out if you guys truly actually believe he stole from his fans or if it's just fun to keep repeating it cause it it probably pisses him off

i gotta admit, that's a pretty damn good line

Isn't that more like a cookie cutter joke

"You think having a kid is hard, try having two"