Suspicious device found near a train station in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

5  2016-09-19 by Dennyislife

I hope lady di hasn't left the navy and like many vets lost her mind and wanted to get revenge on the dumb lazy ungrateful public


It's Bobo, someone promised him tickets if he locked himself in a suitcase

I hope Ronnie Ponytail is ok.

Jim left his bag of dildos behind by accident.

"His balls smell like Elizabeth, New Jersey" - Caribbean Jimmy

They were searching a chicken place near Elmora Avenue. Oh, Lady Di.

5 bombs in nj,pressure cooker device in NY AND stabbing in Minnesota and ameri

US authorities have described the weekend bombings in New York and New Jersey, along with the stabbing attack in Minnesota, as acts of terrorism. They say they're trying to establish whether there are any links between them.