This sub has started influencing what I buy

28  2016-09-18 by Dennyislife


I love 2 pork faggots.


So there are gay pigs?

Fez would be so pissed that they used his likeness to sell such hurtful meatballs.

2 pork faggots = Roland & Erock.

The brand name is now bigger than the name of the product. I haven't seen that since Mrs Jones' Cuntlips


Brits are fucking wierd.

That is why we kicked thier ass, and took thier 1000 years of world Naval supremacy from them.

They are busy eating faggots. While America gets shit done.

You consistently tend to have some of the gayest comments on this sub


Good point. You forgot to get your spelling homework done though.

Keep eating faggots, and worshiping your Royals.

You can never make fun of American vanity when you faggots are so hung up on what hat the queen wears when they roll out her ancient carcass.

Monarchy is so fucking silly, no wonder everything you eat is boiled, and there are maybe 2 dentists in the entire country.

  1. Never eaten a "faggot", don't know anyone who has - they're some ww2/rationing food. 2. Couldn't give a shit about the royal family. 3. Didn't make fun of "American vanity", whatever that means. 4. Go fuck yourself

I like number 4,

You scottish? You know what they did to them and the Irish over the years right?

Stockholm syndrome?

I'm a Brit mongrel- got English, Scottish, Welsh, Ulster Irish and some German and Norwegian heritage. It's more complicated than "the English subjugated the rest." The borders are basically imaginary lines, no one can claim to be 100% English/Scottish/Irish whatever. The bloody royal family are Krauts after all.

Yeah you had maybe 70 years of it before China kicked you off the perch. Faggots powered a tiny island to rule the world.

Economically maybe, and most of that Chinese economy is dependant on American consumerism.

A trade embargo would cripple China more than any military strike.

Militarily and especially Naval, We would mop the floor with little losses. Chinas only threat is Nukes.

Whereas GB and all the other faggot Euro countries, got to scale back thier militaries, because we promised to protect them (NATO)

Keep eating faggots and being ignorant to your place in the world.

You should be happy your sons made something of themselves, and be grateful they still love you, you been awful fathers to us.

I can continue the history lesson.

Oh no. Your one of those people who get self worth of their country? China is where the real money is now and money rules the world not armies these days

Not really, I was trolling the crooked teeth limeys. It fucks me up this show has an international following, they do not deserve it. I am with you ther, cash rules. Realistically war with China is so unlikely, because it would murder the economy of both countries. I responded to somone below me and stated an embargo would hurt China more than our ships or planes.

Money rules, money has been a historical reason for wars/raids and city sacking since the days of Assyria. 6000 years ago.

Assyria later I am going to bed.

The Stangel Brothers have their own food products now?

"THAT'S the joke!"

Jims family finally made the news

The doody family

God damn they make good hats.

Ooh, is there a Mrs. Brains?

you are what you eat or sumthin

I suppose it beats Mama Mancini?

What country was this asinine product sold in?

the one that is most closely associated with pasty, incest-loving welfare dwellers.

tsss hey mr brain u must be real,y smart or sumthin tss

I had some recently and was very disappointed. The faggots were tiny and had a horrible artificial flavour to them.

First time I ever spat a faggot out of my mouth.

Oh no. Your one of those people who get self worth of their country? China is where the real money is now and money rules the world not armies these days

Not really, I was trolling the crooked teeth limeys. It fucks me up this show has an international following, they do not deserve it. I am with you ther, cash rules. Realistically war with China is so unlikely, because it would murder the economy of both countries. I responded to somone below me and stated an embargo would hurt China more than our ships or planes.

Money rules, money has been a historical reason for wars/raids and city sacking since the days of Assyria. 6000 years ago.