Does anyone else here hate superhero movies?

94  2016-09-18 by goldstandard32

how many of these fags are they gonna dress in those silly little costumes? I mean I like the recent Batman movies, but all the rest of the comic book adaptations suck ass, no originality, no good storylines, just money making machines capitalising on the brain dead retarded sloths who enjoy that dreck.


I hate absolutely anything associated with 'nerd' or geek culture. It's all self-infantilising nonsense for faggots. I work in IT and have zero in common with any of my colleagues because I fucking hate all that shit.

I'm in IT as well and the amount of hipster faggotry is astounding

Microsoft/c-stack app developer, can confirm

Also i work with mechanical/electrical engineers quite a bit, theyre not much better

I'm an Electrical Engineer and none of my colleagues are into that whole "geek" culture thing. I think it's more of a hipster/art-school kinda thing.

Work with Oracle DBs and generate performance metrics dashboards. The geek culture at my job is very minimal, mostly because they've outsourced most of the jobs to India. The geeks that are left here are annoying and I have nothing in common with them. Ooh, you have a Yoda Funko Pop on your desk?! Go fuck your mother.

Let's start our own tech company without the faggotry

Imagine what we could accomplish


Fuck you, edgelord. Is that we do here? It really be nice to not deal with shit nerds with their vinyl toys and their ceaseless Big Bang Theory shit talk

I always thought of befriending a group of geeks, like the ones you have to work with in IT, and then easily fuck all the moderately-attractive geek girls since the competition would be so easy. You should do that.

Girls working in IT is a myth perpetrated by the media.

And so are the 'cute geeks'. Those are just slores with glasses on instagram.

They all wear glasses like Bob Kelly. Actually, it's the other way around.

Yep. And the rare ones who do are fucking awful 3/10's

When I was in college the saying about women being in computer engineering was "the odds are good, but the goods are odd." You don't wanna hit that. They're just as socially inept and physically unkempt as their male counterparts


We have a 2500 person IT team and i have met probably 50 of them so far, 1 of them was a woman. She quit

After meeting you I would have quit too

On a side note, I once worked in IT at a call center. That was fucking awesome, for a number of reasons:

1) Most of the people who work at call centers are women

2) Something like 80% of the employees were under 25

3) Most of the people who work at call centers barely make any money

4) Everybody knew that the best paid employees at the call center were the IT dorks like me

It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Sounds like a recipe for gettin some fuck

Dude did you totally fuck?



Actually to be fair, part of the reason I'm actually in IT is because I want to be in the upper-percentile of attractiveness at my job, but without expending the effort required to so in a workplace not populated by overweight nerds.

Dude that's fucking brilliant

Nope, it's the other way around.

Women in engineering generally avoid dating guys at work like the plague. This is for a couple of reasons:

1) there are ten guys for every girl, so they have a permanent shield up, due to all the awkward advances

2) don't shit where you eat

Source: my wife and I work in engineering.

I mean, Im around E-Rock and Sam's age and I do enjoy going on Youtube or interwebs to take a stroll down memory lane and watch WWF clip, or a sitcom ep from an 80s-90s show, moreso old school sports clips.

But, in 2016, if I actually went and purchased action figures, or memorabilia (I mean I bought a Iverson jersey but god shoot me now if you ever see me going buying baseball cards or starting lineup figures)

TLDR: Im a faggot, but nerds are bigger faggots because I only enjoy occasionally watching muscular men in tights and constricting clothes touch each other and handle phallic objects.



I wouldn't even call it "geek culture". It's basically pop culture now. Super hero movies, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, it's all shit everyone likes now. Years ago you'd be on the outskirts of the social spectrum being into that shit, now it's what every dumb college girl and stay at home mom is into.

Walked by some work colleagues the other day about arguing how the Cybermen were created, and something about souls. I don't even know what franchise, and I don't want to know. It really is infantile nonsense.


The only good thing to come out of a superhero movie was the Aurora theatre shooting

Can't fucking stand them. If you want me to suspend my disbelief for 2 hours, I better not be watching a dork that can turn into a bat or a spider or some other animal I can kill with a newspaper roll-up

The way you say newspaper roll up and not a rolled up newspaper makes me think of it as some kind of snack.

And when the pepperidge farms bread ran out? The opester had to eat newspaper roll ups.

We split like ONE newspaper roll up one winter. ONE! FOR THE WHOLE WINTER. I mean, we ate some other stuff don't get me wrong. But CAN YOU IMAGINE. One. Blows my mind now when I think about it

That must have been one horrible ride back from the lake house.


I only like the Spiderman one with Jim Norton cast as the villainous Blinking Zilch

...and Anthony Cumia as The Diddler.

The "Rib"ler

People in this thread are trying WAY too hard to emulate Norton and Florentine..holy shit.

You don't like all of these manly men sticking it to the nerds and telling it like it is?

man, i was the nerd, i was the guy who read comic books, i watched anime, i played video games. Something has shifted, being a nerd is now the cool snowflake shit identity normalfags adopt to seem interesting, when i was in school liking this shit was like pretty much saying "yeah, guess im never getting laid". And now ever faggot who saw one episode of Pokemon when they were younger is suddenly like an uber nerd. The franchising, the reboots, the remakes, the never ending super hero stories that follow the same formula, im sick of it, im sick of that culture, i remember when people actually cared about movies, now its "hey want to pay 30 dollars a ticket to watch the spiderman origin story for the 6th time, this time spidermans a nigger". Even alan moore quit comic books and is writing novels now, he knows whats up.

Alan moore released a comic book this year...

Yep, Providence and it's really good if you like lovecraftian horror. I've got Jerusalem coming in the mail next week even though I know I'm too stupid to understand it, but I'll give it a shot.

$30 for a movie ticket? Goddamn, I guess I never really thought about how long its been since I went to the movies. The last time I went a ticket was $8.

emulating Anthony's voice


Nah, superhero films are just shit.

Most of them are extremely mediocre, repetitive and there are too many sequels. The first movie is always the best one in the series.

The thing I really hate with Marvel is that they go way too heavy on the comic relief. They can't just have some serious moments without forcing a laugh every 30 seconds.

I hate superhero movies in general (except the Batman Trilogy which really goes beyond superhero movie) but this is one of my biggest complaints. Because the movies are made for mass audiences, the humor is usually some very broad slapstick. Like a bunch of bad guys getting shot at once. And I'm supposed to laugh at that.

I wonder if this is how people felt when Cowboy films were the only thing Hollywood was cranking out.

I hope not, cause I like cowboy films enough. But I hate superhero movies and the trend needs to end (but box office receipts tell me it won't anytime soon)

The first 2 Tobey Maguire Spider Man movies weren't all that bad. Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin and Alfred Molina as Doc Ock were outstanding villains. They did try and give Spider Man a spandex costume look, even though it was really a full body suit with latex.

Then we got Spider Man 3 with dancing Tobey Maguire, the retarded maintenance guy from Wings as Sandman and Eric Forman as Venom who is supposed to be one of the most dangerous, homicidal villains in Marvel but instead came across as a geeky, whiny, self centered millennial. Not to mention James Franco as a pussy version of Green Goblin.

I'm an age young enough that the first Spiderman was the first superhero movie I remember coming out and having a big deal made about them. I think I had seen the Batman and Superman movies before seeing Spiderman, bit Spiderman was the first one I saw in theaters. And when I was 10 or 12 ( ot gonna look up when it came out) I liked Spiderman 1. I haven't seen it since, bit it probably holds up for some decent entertainment. But that's the only superhero movie I think I ever liked. I'm not including the Batman trilogy, because those movies seem almost like they are good movies that just so happen to have a superhero in them. Batman has always been in a different category.

Venom who is supposed to be one of the most dangerous, homicidal villains in Marvel but instead came across as a geeky, whiny, self centered millennial.

Something I can't figure out is why they keep doing that with villains (starting with the obvious Vader). It's something you'd expect with the heroes, but what's the point if the whole point is to kill them in the end? Are they supposed to represent school shooters or something? Just have a big nasty scary fucker that loves violence and stabbing and killing as many things as possible including the good guy with the super strength. It's not that complicated.

It's a cheap, visual way of giving them a motivation, and for some reason people want to know the villain's motivation. Same thing with the villain in that new Star Wars, you just look at him and say "oh okay, he's weak and emotional, I get it now." I think it's the same thing as them giving villains disfiguring scars or fucked up faces.

That's why everyone loves Heath Ledger's joker, he really had no motive other than causing complete anarchy and chaos. He just wanted to fuck shit up. It was also one of the first dark superhero movies, and Ledger really took the Joker villain into awesome places.

Magnificent 7 remake just came out

I wouldn't say I hate them, but I'm fucking sick of them. They've been cranking out too many, too quickly. It's just like a couple years when zombie movies were big and there was a new one coming out every other month or so. Everybody eventually got sick of that as well.

You're a faggot if you're older than 12 and give a shit about comic books.

In that case, how big is your comic collection?

I'm sick of this Avengers (and the upcoming Justice League) thing where a bunch of superheroes team-up to take on a villain. It's the most boring shit imaginable. Can't you get just 1 or 2 to handle it? Do you really need over half a dozen superheroes that end up just blending together?

Someone has to watch the blue space laser

not when there are bags of money just sitting there waiting to be taken.

In the comics it's not uncommon to have a bunch of superheroes in the same story, Marvel is specifically trying to mimic the comics in that way

Don't forget the fight with hundreds of enemy sprites like a Konami beat-em-up.

And that annoying unfunny faux-ballbusting the main characters all engage in.

I like how they can all rib each other in conversational voices regardless of explosions, wind, or any other interference.

I loved Downfall.

The Christopher Nolan Batman movies rule.

the batman is goofy as fuck tho, the only cool things about them is the joker, the new mask guy is so silly

someone get this hothead outta here!

More like pot head!#smoke weed everyday!!!




Yes. It's fine if you're a kid, but the movies are largely for manchildren who enjoy playing dress-up.

Which is what Reddit is mainly comprised of.

I'm not five. Ketchup is for kids.

Oh look! The good guy in the cape got knocked through a building! I hope he recovers and wins!

I would watch those movies if the bad guy won at least once and vaporized a city. Or even if the ending was some what ambiguous. Until then it's just cgi filled wrestling.

They are retarded and the recent trend where they try to pass themselves off as dark or serious is the worst. It's the cinematic equivalent of a preteen going through his edgy phase to get his parents to stop treating him like a lil kid

Capeshit is for children and normies.

I wouldn't say I hate them but I hate the culture that surrounds them. It's so pathetic watching grown men fret over whether character x is gonna be properly portrayed and true to his comic book roots. Suicide Squad was a perfect recent example of that. People getting up in arms because the Joker has tattoos and a grill. Who gives a fuck?

Yeah, they're shit. I once saw a superhero movie in the theatres while tripping on three tabs of acid, and it was still fuckin' shit. The best part were the trailers beforehand.

I liked the first avengers and deadpool was pretty good.

Mass produced garbage selling units based solely on name recognition. It's fucking sickening. No story, no cinematography, no acting. Just complete and utter banality.

I havent seen that many because they look so gay, but the Dark Knight was great imo, I recently saw Suicide Squad and I'd put it as a contender for worst movie ever made. Super heroes are for children and its awful how idiots keep buying into it.

Would ya?

anyone that isnt retarded would

The movies are shit but I liked the Daredevil show and I'm looking forward to the Punisher spinoff.

The Punisher spinoff should be awesome. Marvel might finally get this right with Netflix and Jon Bernthal as Castle.

Aww fuck, that's who's going to be the punisher? I hate that turd.

Easy with the language, that's a human being you're talking about.

Luke Cage comes out this month, it looks really good.

I really liked Nolan batman and Watchmen. But you're right, the rest fucking stink. And every Marvel movie has to have touching moment where the superhero interacts with a kid. Their soundtracks are all the same too. Some shitty Danny Elfman knockoff over comic book pages

They should have named Watchmen Big Blue Dick instead, because that's all I remember about that movie.

If it ain't Hans Zimmer, you might as well go home?


Bowling for Columbine was hilarious. It's a shame they don't make comedies that well anymore.

Does it dawn on you that when you were a child, people thought TV was at its height?

Try some new things sometimes, old man.

Dystopian Sci-Fi and O&A Fan go hand in hand.

Damn u sound like a straight up loser to be honest.

There's way too many of them. I was sick of them a decade ago. Still am.

I thought the recent Batman trilogy with Bale was decent. Everything else is faux nerd culture garbage that big bang theory fans jerk off over.

My wife's boyfriend absolutely loves the Avengers. Unfortunately I usually have to go with them to see the movies. Terrible.

pics or gtfo

My wife's boyfriend...

Nigguh what?

When The Avengers first came out, everyone was like, "omg have you seen it? IT'S THE BEST MOVIE EVER! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT!!!"

How come nobody's talking about it anymore? Now apparently Deadpool's the best movie ever, and I ain't watching that either, because they're lying and it would be fucking average.

Deadpool was pretty fucking good though. I'm sure everyone can find something to hate about it, but you have to at least give them props for having a super hero movie where the hero gets sodomized by his girlfriend with a strap on, fully on screen.

I find them very boring and unrelatable.

I enjoy them.

Hollywood has really gone ape-shit with their endless conveyor belt of superhero movies, but I can't say I hate them because I really haven't seen any. Well, at least any of the one's that have come out over the past decade or so. That being said, I don't really share your nerd-bashing rage. Is someone forcing you to watch these piece of shit movies at gun point or are you getting yourself all worked up over something you really don't have to endure?

Hey. Fuck you buddy. Sound like faggoty, wanna be death metal, wife left you for her personal trainer ass jim florentine

Nah I'm all in with the capeshit.

even TDKR was shit outside of like 2 scenes

You're really going out on a limb with this opinion

I saw Superman Returns with some friends and it was just shit. The "DC cinematic universe" has been a parade of miscarriages, and somehow their fanboys keep buying into it despite not having a decent DC film since Christopher Nolan finished his Batman trilogy.

This right here.

DC Comics has sucked for as long as I can remember, and now they're bringing their fuckery to the big screen.

The only reason that Dark Knight was any good was because DC hired Marvel's most talented writer and gave him carte blanche. In his heyday, Frank Miller could write a comic about mowing the lawn and make it compelling.

TLDR: DC Comics sucks.

You don't like shite?

Thank god for this thread and everyone in it. Superheroes are fuckin garbage.

Watchmen and Sin city everyone else can suck fat dick

You just liked Watchmen because of Dr. Manhattan and his enormous blue cock.

Why else would you watch it?

Deadpool was good for the comedy and the violence. They'll probably fuck up the next one by trying to tie it into a "universe" of an untold amount of forthcoming sequels and spinoffs. That quality is why I can't stand everything else happening in the genre. It just removes all dramatic stakes. I don't mind that superhero movies are made, but it's disgusting that they've become the top tier blockbusters everyone flocks to. They should be a fringe thing for nerds and kids. If regular people stop going to them, maybe we can see a renaissance of blockbusters like Terminator 2.

It's interesting that Ryan Reynolds had to fight so hard to stay true to his vision.

I like them, but I like everything.

The thing is, if we didn't have superhero movies, we wouldn't have more movies like Raging Bull in it's place. We would just have other forgettable action cgi movies instead.

Blockbusters are the same shit most of the time

but I like everything.

Are you ever on the wrong sub.

I like to hope that all we do here is good natured ribbing

i can appreciate anything that is done well. I don't care about the format or the source material, I objectively appreciate things that are done for good reason by people that know what they're doing.

Most comic book movies are garbage and so are most "reboots"

Most comic books are garbage, as far as story goes. Have you ever tried to sit down and read some? There might be glimmers of cool stuff sprinkled in there, but overall it's fucking sophomoric writing. every now and then, a talented person comes up to create a short "illustrated novel" and really puts effort into it instead of looking for a cash grab and that ends up being what everybody else holds up as an example of a strong comic book. No, it's the exception that proves the rule.

I think the last one I truly enjoyed was Watchmen. Even The Dark Knight rises was forgettable to me.

Yeah, you know, what am I 7? I don't need to watch guys in tights fly around. I'm a grown up and I want to watch entertaining grown up stuff like documentaries and things that have nothing to do with ketchup and dessert. Cause I'm a grown up and not 7.

Yuck. You stink. Shut up.

sorry for offending you, superhero lover

Suck my dick you poor mans Jim Florentine.

I don't care enough to put any effort into saying so like you faggots debating why you do. Fucking dumb shitdicks.

I hope that the Incredible hulk is found half hulked up and hanging dead wearing suspenders. he has died in an auto erotic asphyxia incident whilst jerking off to pictures of the royal families children.

I like the dark knight. The rest do zilch for me

Last superhero movie I saw was Batman Forever.

I liked "Punisher: War Zone" a lot, and the first 2 Nolan Batmans. But the rest of this shit sucks.

SIN CITY rules

Batman is a shit cunt

It's really all I watch

yes, even the really good ones totally suck balls


Not only that, i automatically hate people who watch that shit as well. If you enjoy watching a story about a man in a spandex suit who can fly or whatever the fuck with the reasoning behind it being "because he can" then we have absolutely nothing to talk about and you need to kill yourself.


I hate the costumes they have them in. Put them in traditional spandex for fucks sake. At lease the costume Christopher Reeves wore in his 3 Superman movies looked like something a normal person could buy/make and put on in a hurry. But this shit they have on now is plastic, latex, rubber, sprayed on junk that no normal person could slip on in a hurry. It doesn't look good at all.

I hate almost all of them. Sin city and deadpool were fun movies but not much interest outside of that.

I don't hate them, I eventually watch them all. Nolans Batman trilogy is my favorite trilogy ever, Deadpool was great, Guardians of the Galaxy was great, Watchmen and Sin City rule, and the last few X Men movie have been good too. I'm not a big fan of the Marvel movies (actually the first Iron Man was cool), and the new DC movies are pretty dissapointing- Suicide Squad was okay at points I guess.

I love the original comic books for what they are, the Jack Kirby art, but the movies are generic garbage for mass audiences. They're so bland and toned down.

The original spider-man movies from Raimi, the first two, were fucking great.

I hardly recognize comic book movies these days. They're more like amusement parks ride than anything. I can't help but notice how earlier adaptations had more thoughtful social commentary

I hate most of them because they're made for children. Most movies these days seem that way, but especially the ones based on comic book characters. I was an O and A fan for years and now I hang out on this sub, so it's not like I need my entertainment to be highbrow, but I like at least some substance and the films today pretty much have none.

I used to hate them a lot, but now ive reached ignore their existence mode, and have accepted the death of cinema.

Funny thing is, i actually used to collect comic books, this was a long time ago, when you were actually a ostracized nerd for doing this shit, now everyone's a nerdâ„¢. So i guess the real counter culture thing to do now is act like an adult. Lets discuss Nietzsche at a cocktail party where we swap wives to make our dull lives more interesting, people

Superman is a batty mon!

Opie: Where we at with the Deadpppppoooooolll?
Jim: Haven't seen it
Sherrod: Itwasalrightdo

I've been saying this for awhile now I'm sick or super hero movies and the reason they're so popular is because they can't come up with an original idea anymore. The last super hero movie I liked was the dark Knight. Otherwise it's the same rehashed bullshit over and over again.

I'm pretty much the same. I liked Nolan's Batman trilogy but you'll never see me in a theater watching the new Avengers movie. I have a 3 year old son so I'm sure that's about to change.

Dark Knight trilogy is great because it's Nolan and Bale. First Iron Man was fine. No use for anything else.

Yes, if you like them you are gay and faggot.

The Batman movies are shit, because Batman is shit.

Oooooh, let's make it "dark" and brooding! ZZZzzz...

Don't like superhero films. Never did. Batman is not a superhero, that's why he's liked by everyone. He's just a resourceful dude. Nolan's Batman kicked ass. Then it went to shit again.

Agreed with pretty much everyone else here. Comic book movies are overwhelmingly competent-but-soulless garbage except for the Dark Knight trilogy.

On the subject, I've always been curious to know why people seem to hate The Dark Knight Rises. Whenever I ask someone why that is, they always respond with a list of plot holes that I just don't care about. No, I didn't want to see the sequence where Bruce Wayne flags somebody down in Morocco and books a flight back to America, actually.

They stink and I don't like 'em.

Yup. Only one I could ever stand was Iron Man and of course by the third one it got completely fucking retarded.

I hope Charles Xavier gets the use of his legs back and goes running through a field all happy and full of joy but then falls into a pit with punji sticks and dies.

You don't like that they've made Fantastic Four like 17 times, even though every one has been terrible? Most of the comic movies suck, but there are a few exceptions like Deadpool, and the Christian Bale Batman movies.

Daredevil and Jessica Jones are also good shows, all of those CW comic book shows blow though.

They're safe and easy money for Hollywood studios, so until people stop going to see them, they'll keep pumping them out and putting the kibosh on original ideas.

Deadpool is just as shit. So what if it has sex and gore its still More or less the same formula

I thought Deadpool was really corny.

Me too. too jokey for me

Of course it uses the same formula as every other super hero movie, but FOR a superhero movie I'd say it wasn't bad. At least it wasn't the same fun for the whole family PG-13 safe bet like the rest of them. But if you hate superhero movies on principle then yeah, you're not going to like it regardless.

Its not the principal it's the amount.

Its not the principal

what is it the vice principal then or sumpthin? tsssssssss

Nice try, Bill Burr.

Stay on your own Reddit sub.

Oh look, another Jim Florentine

What are we twelve? Oh I got a new Sabbath shirt.



Even the Batman movies don't hold up, besides the joker one.

You guys sound like jimmy on one of his hypocritical rants. Keep jerking each other off boys.

Its not the principal

what is it the vice principal then or sumpthin? tsssssssss

We split like ONE newspaper roll up one winter. ONE! FOR THE WHOLE WINTER. I mean, we ate some other stuff don't get me wrong. But CAN YOU IMAGINE. One. Blows my mind now when I think about it


I like how they can all rib each other in conversational voices regardless of explosions, wind, or any other interference.

They all wear glasses like Bob Kelly. Actually, it's the other way around.

More like pot head!#smoke weed everyday!!!