is colin quinn a homosexual?

0  2016-09-18 by lsx100


A boy can always dream.

When bobby lee alluded to it on that podcast, I went back and watched a few colin quinn interviews and stuff.

I really think he is. Especially in this video where he sits really effeminately:

Are you talking about that clip that was posted recently?

Did Bobby really say it was Colin I thought he was alluding to Norton.

But Norton can't be considered A-list by anyone, can he? And is Norton republican?

Colin is on Jerry Seinfeld's level, at least in hollywood social circles.

When he said "a-list" he meant like top of the line comedy, not the proper definition like "hollywood a-list". I think he did mean CQ, if you go back and watch the old tough crowds there's always this awkward vibe between him and whenever theres a gay guest on. It feels like he thinks the other gay dude knows his secret and is going to out him in front of everyone. I dunno might be looking into it too much, either way I still love Colin (no homo).

Once I pictured Colin as gay, I just couldn't imagine him straight.

Probably not.


He's done gay stuff in the past, read his book. A bit of a 'mo but no more than norton or Bob kelly is

Why would you ask such a thing?

because he he he he ha ha ha SHUT YUR MOUTH

He got jerked off by a priest if that counts.

i uno. ask him.

He's just a typical repressed Irish Catholic. So... maybe.