Erik nagels show is actually not that bad....

3  2016-09-17 by sarahemmingway

I used to like sams show but it's changed so much now without whoo kid and nicole I can't listen to it.....eriks show is a better alternative he is actually good at interviews and his show isn't that bad although he does talk way to much about comics and tv shows and video games if he changed it up a little it could be a lot better.....he did mention come october he's not sure about the future of the show it may end soon depending on the channel and what opie does if he cancels it....


I had to stop listening when most of his show was just interviews with e-list celebrities

Other shows know how to keep it interesting. There is no humor and no energy on his show. Fuck ERock. Entitled overrated FATBOY.

Tits or GTFO

hahahaha, it fucking stinks, hahahaha....

It's not that bad. I actually like Sam's show more.

I thought this was going to be an Edgar post.

He stinks.

Tried to listen to his show. Bullshit about video games and I shut the radio off. I can listen to video game talk, but his show was way too in depth with video game discussion.

Link us to a decent interview/segment. Also, are you actually a female?

I like the episode 9-09-19 where they were talking about the new millennial slang terminology everyone uses now and yes i'm a female


Please post a lovely photo of your magnificent breasts.

Link and a well-lit twat pic, pretty please
