MC Hammer pants and no pants Cumia

24  2016-09-17 by Justyna_A


Joe has the knees of a hooker after 20 years on the job


Why do you think Anthony pays him every week? Its not just because they're brothers.

those are some haggard ass knees

The elderly should keep their legs covered.

Joe has assistant coach body

These zeros have a combined age of 117 years old and it shows.

Joe shaves his legs?

I cropped out JOE so we can appreciate how awful he and his knees are

The right = the cyclops from The 7th Voyage of Sinbad and the left = Kuato from Total Recall

Fucking Yukon Gold knees Joe.

He forgot to change his clown pants after trying lure kids into the woods to spit in his brothers mouth.

Somehow that t-shirt makes Ant's pants look even stupider than they are.

Joe's got the worst case of "ugly baby" knees I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.

Someone didn't show up for work at the retirement home.


Joe's knees look like Chunk from The Goonies.

The drummer looks like a cardboard cutout

Weren't they a Red Hot Chili Peppers knock-off band? Flea used to wear ugly pants in the 80s, I guess this was Anthony's tribute.