My god, I just took a monster shit

0  2016-09-17 by LindaSpringwood



I liked you better as I_Hate_Knickers.

I hated all those faggot girly emoticons.

I prefer the shit poster over the fucking teenage girl character.

I won't stand for these unfounded accusations and wild conspiracy theories. I WAS A NAVY SEAL, A FIGHTEEEERRRRHH

You think I give a care

I just ate out Amy Schumer and a rainbow shot out of my ass and 3 inches of skittles fell on the town.

I read that as you just ate out with Amy Schumer, which is very believable. The gal has to eat enough to maintain her portly figure.


Pfff 3 inches. That's not even enough for a 2 hour school delay here. You pussy southerners.

I haven't taken a solid shit in forever.

Why is that? Drugs? Alcohol?

Yeah. A combination of a sporadically poor diet, copious amounts of alcohol, and constant general anxiety and stress.

I'm sorry man. If it weren't so gay I would give you a hug

I understand.

I'll still jack off to the thought. No homo.

Please g'head. I will jack off to the thought of you jacking off

It's like a sexy fractal of homoeroticism.

This is clearly a "shit" post

Fawkin' clevah!

Would you swear to George Carlin? Hahaha I'm joshin'

these are the few types of posts I wouldnt mind being deleted