Vic Berger IV is on our side, gang.

20  2016-09-16 by Treeckosis


If this was the actual show I would never miss an episode

Needed an airhorn or two

If you look at Vic's twitter, he clearly has an unhealthy obsession with Trump tho. Even past an autistic level.

That's the bit.


His nipple looks like those skin tags that fat ladys get in their armpits.

Vic is a waste!

Vic is a mess.

He blew it!

Fuuuuck. This shit made me so happy. I was actually expecting to click n the video and see some O&A fan with a couple hundred subs and a few thousands views. But instead its this autistic nigga's channel that will actually get a little more exposure.

This shit would make Pete Davidson proud.

I'm so glad he's doing this.

Its... Its.. Its... Digusting. (Camera sound)..... Those fucking popovers though, y'all!

Justin's probably getting his lawyers ready to sue the channel as we speak


That's the bit.