This sidebar pic has me HOWLING this morning.

56  2016-09-16 by DasItMane99


Alot of them are fucking hilarious. The compound Media one had a nigga ribs hurtin.

I love the bird one. 😍

This sub has passed you by if you criticize the mods.

I am not that bad with it, I like the new guys.

The old guys were barely here anymore, and seemed redassed when they actually had to mod the board/change pics.

u/K1bbler popped a pic into the rotation when someone asked.

I can work with the current regime, no need to run off to r/scorch in exile.

Terri Clifford mein kampf ftw

Terri Clifford as the police horse killed me.

wait what? I missed that one

Oh fuck


Forrest Vos is the best

I just saw this one and had a hearty laugh.


I like the crude one of Ant smiling with his arm across his chest choking the bitch next to him.

Also the Eric Dassey cracks me up every time.

The gay team?

Bro Joe Baracus looks pretty normal.

It's the AIDS Team.

go on...

Opie needs some testosterone asap

That's because no one was taking you down a peg, Gregg

Me too. Fuhhhhkin howl-ing. Every time I think I've seen them all, another one like this pops up. Is there a limit to the number of sidebar pics? If not, keep putting more in, you lazy piece of shit mods!

Anthony loves that 4.5 incher to be close to his ass

The animated cake-stop always makes me at least smile.