Corey Feldman - "Go 4 It!" Featuring Snoop Dogg

11  2016-09-16 by crookedmile


As expected, it's completely terrible, but I have to applaud his tenacity.

SOOOOO many years of releasing awful music, all the while being laughed at by nearly everyone, and he just keeps...on...going.

You didn't think "What's up with the Youth" was a real toe tapper?

That's one of my favorite YouTube videos of all time. I watch it every few months or so for a pick-me-up.

I'm more of an "Ascension Millennium" kind of guy.

Fawkin guy can dance!

This is the douchiest clip of Corey known to man His hair looks like a suburban soccer mom. And he dresses like the Johnny depp version of Willy Wonka.

Troyquan recently had that same haircut. What a faggot.

This is more embarrassing than the OP. Holy shit.

The wrong Corey died.

I think they went for it..

his old man dancing is the best part of this song, i made it 52 seconds before spitting out my coffee.

It's almost like he based his entire musical career on the fact that he can sort of emulate dancing like his (molester) idol Michael Jackson.

This is what happens when you surround yourself with yes men... Anthony should take note.


Yeah right!"

Snoop wouldn't even show up for the music video.

he spent his entire budget on renting out a discount strip club in the Poconos to film and b roll footage of a woman doing ballet ( how does that even fit in with the song?)

it should feat. sarin gas instead of Snoop Dogg


Gooooooooooooo go for it go for it....

The generic chick vocals sounds like these guys

He was in lost boys... he could murder children and I'd be ok with it

Yeah, he went for it..oh my god did he go for it..Wow The wardrobe from Kohl's, the set location looks like a closed down Path-mark, and I think the was a go fund me project for him to scrape up the money to shoot this.

It's actually a step up from his last single.


What fucking world does he live in? Holy shit...

I always thought the one that looks like Michael Jackson died. Now I know he should've. The song's timing if off especially for snoop's rap. It's pretty obvious they paid snoop a lot for that shit too. Cory has dubstep that's 4 years too late on the trend...
