With All This Alex Jones Talk, Lets Not Forget This Gem!

8  2016-09-16 by [deleted]


It's the best. My favorite part is when Anita starts screaming "Get off the stage you fatfuck!".... There's a clip online with her ranting about fat shaming. It just proves to people that these SJW's are not the ethical gods they claim to be. When shit hits the fan they eat there values like the phony shitcake they are.

I've been a firm believer that a person's true nature always comes out under pressure. Prod these people enough, and they'll scream nigger and faggot till their lungs dry up. People who champion a cause to stop something usually are the biggest culprits.

aka the Jimmy method to determining if politicians are gay.

I still love how pissed that faggot looks all the while Alex has a smile on his face.

And giving Cenk bunny ears.


This is why Alex is great, when pressed, that gypsy bitch couldn't take the high road for more than 30 seconds.

Alex egging on Cenk while he's arguing with that old dude is a very funny moment too.

The funniest thing he's done since Rant in E-Minor.

Don't forget Piers Morgan, that's classic too. Alex really is the best at confrontation, he's been doing it for over 20 years with no help from anyone.


It was 2 months ago. Nobody forgot!!

Hey, Cenk!


Jimmy Dore is a national treasure.
