
52  2016-09-16 by RBuddCumia


If Gavin is making a movie making fun of Opie that would be pretty funny. Especially if he doesn't tell Ant but edits it to make it look like Ant is in on it.

Didn't Ant tweet pictures of a film crew in his house awhile ago?

Yeah, and apparently whatever they were filming is the reason Gavin looks like this.

Gay porn?

He's updated his look in the hope that Milo will fuck him and they can be the alt right's first power couple. But he ended up looking like the Fallout Vaultboy mascot after three decades of opium, sodomy and cheap wine.


How fucking great would that be?

He wasn't lying about not having a chin. It's amazing what a beard can do...

"Beard" in multiple senses of the word.

Yeah we get it, every man but you is secretly a faggot. Good work. We're so proud of your masculinity.


So is this a Proud Boy's final form?

Creepy middle aged chinless gay man who wears a suit but doesn't have a proper job. Yes.

Its on Crowders TYT parody.

And though his TYT parody is good, no I don't think that closet fag is funny.

Don't link it then, cock face https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6EEEmHbVyE

Ohhhh! Fucking /u/anarchorenegade was letting me think it was the actually TYT. Im not AS upset now.

Who do you think would win in a debate: Gavin or Cenk Uygur?

Cenk is too emotional



Nigga just got a mouth and neck.

So Gavin's new movie is an Opie biopic?

It's about how both of there lives would've been so different if Opie had just excepted the job offer to be a male model.


Ahh, you got me Chippah!

Its strange that, as untalented as Opie is, these assholes would have nothing if it weren't for him. This includes Jim Norton too. I know he had a little fame but there is no way he could have lived off of being a stand up comedian. Or, if he did, he would still be in that roach infested apartment.

It's, it's a short.

Dude please tell me that is a fucking photoshop and he is not on the fucking faggot young turks show.

It's not

Alex Jones? The Young Turks? Money must be getting tight. Something is up.

You get things.

I cannot take credit... Things get me.

That nigga ain't got no chin!

How is compound media not bleeding money at this point?

Why would Gavin shave? Holy shit.

It's for his web series. He dyed it back brown and made fun of his Beaker chin already.

Its like that Hitchcock movie where he makes the new piece of ass wear all his dead wife's clothes.

This guy NEEDS a beard.

hey its Gavin McChins

How can he breathe or swallow with that double chin?

Makes Norton look like Leno

Someone should faceswap Jim and beardless Gavin and see if they produce a chin between them.

What movie was he in? A male reboot of Single White Female starring him and Milo.


He looks like a Nick Offerman reject without a mustache

Gavin's zero chin creeps me the fuck out.


"Who IS THIS MAN??!!"

Naw, with glasses he's Drew Carey.

Jack McBrayer is aging horribly.


Gavin's transformation into Milo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2prXGm3rbSk

I fucking hate that evangelical fuck tard, but I support him if hes gonna harass opie. I hope he crys about it on air. Hopefully on jims last day and jim snaps and sissy slaps the shit out of opie....... I can dream can't I?



He needs the beard, he looks like a dweeb without one. Can't have that be the face of the Proud Boyz™

Opie has a better rack.

Fuck whoever is watching the Young "The Armenian Genocide didnt happen and the Jews on the show hate Israel" Turks


you ain't cbanks so eat a dick why dont ya?


It's for his web series. He dyed it back brown and made fun of his Beaker chin already.