Has anyone ever listened to Preston and Steve?

0  2016-09-15 by NortheastPhilly


i sort of liked them, except that every day was the exact same timeline and it was extremely predictable after a few weeks.

Listened to them for a few years until I rediscovered o&a during the last two years of Patrice. Steve and Casey are good, but Kathy is a dumb bitch and makes it unlistenable. They're beyond repetitive from day-to-day.

The traffic report is the same every fucking day. I never hear her or anyone joke about it or even mention it. It's like Groundhog Day. Same script, same delivery, and completely useless. I still listen just to get angry.

They're nothing to write home about, but they put effort into it and when they talk about music they know what the hell theyre talking about so they seem likable. I can put them on in the morning sometimes

It's weird I never got into them, I got into O&A before they got big here in philly(atleast I think). All we had then was that wife murdering faggot John Debella.

Awful awful show.