Ant is live on now

25  2016-09-15 by CordouroyStilts

Phone: (800) 259-9231

Might be worth it. Ant just got cut off by Alex in mid sentence and they havent cut back to him. Ill be honest, I lol'd like the days old.


Ah, this is why I stopped listening to Ant's show.

It is exactly what you would have expected him doing a one man show would be like. Same simplistic points over and over.

It's almost hard to believe. You'd think no one could be so dull and uninteresting. Until you realize his halfwit brother is in his ear constantly telling him how significant he is.

It makes you realize, without The Human Emergency Brake to slow him down, all he wants to do is rant about black people and chug beers until he's too drunk to speak.

Anthony is one ugly, pock-marked, sweaty, individually-placed old man.

I tried to visit that site but it said my IP had been flagged as being associated with the Panera Corporation, a known CIA front.

I use a VPN a breadbowl tss

I'm a bit confused:
Is Anthony confusing the Nassau County Police Department taking all of his guns following his arrest for domestic abuse with some unnamed politician allegedly saying they need to take all the guns?
At least Ant's off the meth.

Alex has Ant doing livereads lol

His whole cadence even when he's talking normally is 'live read' on this. Is he being a Nervous Nelly? Is this a big step up for him?

Everyone back at the compound is watching all sweaty hoping it goes well. This is a big opportunity.

He was REALLLLLY edgy. Hillary lies ... Trump is the one to vote for ... let's keep our guns ... Dems water down the military...

This is breaking news, least Alex points out which of the satan worshippers are doing child sacrifices...

infowars gets a lot of listeners/viewers, well above the 780 he broadcasts to on tacs

I think your finger slipped and hit two extra keys.

If you can pick which two don't belong in the number, you'll win a bonus Plinko chip.

7 and 8. Pay me.

You'll have to find Manuela to get your Plinko chip, then drop it in the giant board to see how much you win.

Definitely nervous nelly.

Obama gonna take your guns!

Anthony is a very fearful guy. Lots of stuff out there trying to get him.

He is what is known as a pussyfaggot.

Didn't this guy used to be funny?

I believe this is the same individual, yes.

Nah, that guy had a mustache.

And a baseball cap!

And a steady job!

He's still funny! Once every three months.

Watching it now. Isn't this just his usual show that people always complain about?

Yes, but it's on a the network of a known fruit cake and conspiracy nut...

Brother Joe has a network?!

I was hoping Alex would go to the phones...

The commercials are so cringey

What's wrong with a floride filter system?? Your just a gatekeeper

Yes, dont drink tap water, instead drink this snake oil.

They have snake oil now? what's it do? gets rid of toxins? If alex jones sells it then i know the corporations aren't poisoning me with it. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

If Joe Rogan would put lead in Alpha Brain, lord only knows what Alex Jones would do.

Throw out your antibiotics and stock up on this colloidal silver, folks! Selling fast, be dialing!

Tsss floride? Must be fawkin hot and muggy or sumptin.

That doesn't make any sense Chip.

breathable silver asteroid juice?

Not surprised they advertise some snake oil horse shit.

The ManGrate?

There ya go Anthony. The music means to stfu. How long have you been broadcasting?

The "control room" was clearly on Alex's side. There was probably an issue with Ant's earpiece where he couldn't hear that they were coming up on break.

Ants checking this sub during the breaks. Did you hear how he said his name this last time?


Someone commented in another thread how he was saying it that way and the next time he quickened it right up very unnaturally. He also had his phone on the desk.

And he looked at the camera, like "Yeah, reddit. I see you." That Anthony is a wiseass.

Oh shut up already Anthony.

If you really want the borders protected the only way that will happen is if you make the reason to do it "terrorism" and not "illegal immigration." People and politicians can buy-in to fortifying borders to protect Americans from terrorists.

Anthony doesn't give two fucks about legal American citizens. He'd let us all burn if it meant he'd get a harem 11 year old Mexican of Philippine girls.

Like a pig in shit.

He's riding shotgun like Pastor Manning does. We're gonna skip this network break.

Wait. I thought Tranth was guest hosting? He's just a guest?



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He's a 2nd or 3rd mic, he can't host a show

Anthony just named the Jew.


Fuck you faggots, this is awesome.

Alex, while a bit nutty has a huge fan base and has gone a lot more mainstream. Ant plays his cards right and he's looking at a bit more subs, this is a big opportunity. Tbh fam - good for ant