Norm's podcast is up on youtube

40  2016-09-15 by -ShillChill-


Lol this is fucking mental. I've just got to the part Norm asks Stephen if we should have a arab spring in the uk and kill the queen

That final joke is pure platinum.

So Terry grabbed his Balishnakov and a couple of glocks and started walking..

"Balishnakov" fucking murdered me.

Goddamn this is hilarious. 16 minutes in, laughing so hard. Especially @ "Cis male is a way to marginalize normal people" and merchant constantly apologizing.

"I always get anxious when I'm on a plane and I see a much bigger celebrity than me."

"Is that almost every flight?"

I mean, this guy was a real jerk...

"Why don't you get a few of your mates, storm up to buckingham palace, and kill the ole' bag?"

Big lanky goggle-eyed freak.

weird that they cut out the opening scene with him and his publisher about the book

Already gone


Thank you sir.

It was on Norm's official channel so that's odd. Maybe Stephen 'the goggle-eyed cuckold' Merchant was genuinely nervous about being sued.

You're very stupid and should stop saying anything.

Merchant comes from a country which arrests fathers who try to stop their daughters being gangraped by Pakistani muslims. He can have all the fun he wants in America but when he goes back to Londonistan he could be in trouble and he knows it.

4chan finding this sub was the worst thing that ever happened to it.

Because now you have to face reality? Also 4chan is obsolete.


"This video is private" wtf!? It showed up in my YT subscription feed a couple of hours ago and now it's saying private, that's real weird.

Is there not an audio version this time around?

rip dat mofo

FINALLY, I can stop bitching like a big gaudy queer I am.


Aaaannndd it's gone.

What the H. Why was it made private?

He probably wasn't supposed to release it there for free.

No I think they just added the segment with his book publicist since the first one didn't have it


Can anyone provide a link without the content warning?