I'm obsessed with hating these cunts

3  2016-09-15 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


This election has brought out the worst in Cenk and the best in Alex Jones.

What a time.

Alex Jones annoys me, but that clip from the RNC brings joy to my heart.

Black helicopters

You could say he's breaking the conditioning.

It honestly has nothing to do with politics...they just fucking stink. I watch their vids and they're boring, unfunny, and uninteresting. Btw, does Cenk actually think Trump was serious?

Cenk ugger kills one armenian a day to keep the doctor away.

"Oh my gosh. You guys aren't going to believe this funny story" fake laughs

This fat dune coon has exceptionally small hands.

As a dainty handed man, leave it alone.

I hate his hashtag #loserdonald.regardless of whether you like him as a presidential nominee, he has made a success of himself. He definetly needs to be venerated more #proudofyourboy

Well you see, JF220990 he's trying to say that Donald Trump is a loser..........ooof. He's the Opie of liberal media.

Yeah and just the hypocrisy of the cunt ragging on HRC when she was up against that fucking Jew communist, then backing her once she got the nomination. its unbelievable that the fans of TYT don't see through this cockhead

If you've ever seen their show, you'd know just how accurate this statement is. His routine is telling bad jokes like a corny old dad, then giggling and saying "Okay?" His cohosts always look so embarrassed by him.

Whenever he says "okay" I fuckin cringe. Who else on this entire planet says something funny, laughs at it and says "okay"? TYT is like the morning zoo of political talk.

And they can't do shit because he created the show.... Oh my god

He tells us the big punchline, then says "NOOO..." like he's reacting to it for the first time, and fakes a belly laugh. What the fuck is this??

They really are the ultimate faggots

brought to you by Cenk "What Armenian Genocide?" Uygur

Is this guy really selfie sticking a video in an airport about Donald Trump?

Fuck harry connick why aren't these fags being j*********d ?

It's ok sweetie. You can say jewniggered here.

I really don't know what else could fit in there.



*We're... c'mon, faggot

They're deleting my comments on that YT page! This is unacceptable. All I did was call Chink Wigger a nigger.


Cunt Ugger is a fat fuck himself. also looks like a gorilla imo. fat turk

This belongs in r/cringe. "Ok eh loser Donald segment"....even fucking teenage bitches would be too ashamed to carry on like that

Has he actually seen what he looks like?!

Tsssss... his name should be Chunk Yuggo or sumptin'

I can't stand the main show anymore but TYT Politics is still good and Jimmy Dore's show is decent. Cenk is an ass licking faggot.

Don't ever link to them. They are pure cancer.

I don't dare watch this, I'm guessing it's a Proud Boys clip again?

Who is this and why should I care?
