So Jimmy seems to be accepting that he was wrong in the debate with Ann Coulter

8  2016-09-15 by Ant_Sucks


It's so sad. Not one of the bitch boys in the studio that day was nearly smart enough to debate Ann on ANYTHING of importance. So they wasted the entire segment over "Trump mocked a reporter!"

Fucking simple minded fucks.

genius anne coulter's response was "i dont see an angle in his wrist". theyre all as retarded as each other.

Are you implying that Ann debates things of importance?

If that's the case, you're wrong, and you're one dumb ass rube. Ann Coulter says edgy things and makes money off people who react to them. She doesn't do anything else. At all. Ever.

She's perfected the art to the point that she's worked on her voice and her laugh, as if she were an aspiring vocalist with a dream of winning whatever the latest America something something Talent whatever show is. She makes sure her voice and laugh will sound obnoxiously upper crust-y to piss off anyone who takes issue with the upper crust. Ie, most people. That's why she's so rich. It's a big market.

If you take anything she says even remotely seriously, you have no right to be alive. You're too dumb to deserve it.

OK. Then if you are so fucking brilliant, you can collect on the $100,000 bet out there. Prove Ann Coulter wrong. Go through her books and prove any facts figures or stats she presents are wrong and there people will give you lots of money. Have fun know it all.

I'd rather just sell subreddits to spics who want to shut them down. Much more profitable.

I haven't heard about this proof bet, why would I care? It's not about wrong and right, and it's certainly not about facts. It's about making money by stirring up emotions. What has that got to do with wrong or right facts? It's not even distantly related.

You want me to make 100k off of Coulter? I'll just write books about what idiot cunts the right are. Because they're just as big of idiot cunts as the left. Easy money. I'd have to lop off my dick and have my floating ribs removed and grow my Adam's apple first though. I'd prefer those over the money.

You should ask the spic why he talks shit about Dani then proceeds to talk to her on FB like it never happened. What a fair weather faggot

Aside from all this Coulter rigamarole, I have no idea what's going on with this place right now. I hate to even start looking into it. It's going to be threads on threads on threads. Pain in the ass.

To your point, I remember after 9-11 she dubbed a group of mothers who lost sons or husbands in the attacks "The Witches of East Brunswick" (a town in NJ) where some of them were from...did it sell books and mugs? I'm not sure, but it is over the top cringe-worthy...I think her point was that there were many victims families capitalizing on subsidies made for them through the government, that their husbands were working for 1% wall street firms and they were ready to divorce them any way..rough stuff to say the least.

She doesn't just say edgy things, she goes on shows and the hosts laugh at her as she eviscerates them in a debate. Just watch the Bill Maher interview where she predicts Trump will be the nominee, the entire studio laughed.

And their perplexed "WHAT! OMG? He so did!" bullshit made them sound like women.

Well Ann coulter defends Trump for a living so unless you have everything in front of you or dedicate your entire life to this nonsense its always gonna seem like she's winning. And that video doesn't prove he didn't mock the guy, and I don't want my president doing anything that looks like that ever

I'm sure if Trump liked wrestling like you do, you would love him. You stupid faggot.

Trump has been on WWE many, many times.

Thus making him by default a stupid idiot faggot haha.

God damn what a nigger.

No better practice for running for president than the WWE.


He hosted wrestle mania 3&4 and participated at a later one (24 I Think?) he is friends with McMahon and is in the WWE HOF

Just the fact that you know details like that shows what a faggot you are.


You made an account that is one letter off of one made by some person who's not even famous.

I hope I'm not speaking out of turn with this accusation, but you seem to come off as a bit of a whimp. (Not for nothing).


Shut up faggot. You have a stupid faggot mouth. Look at how stupid and faggotty it is. See? That right there is incontrovertible proof that you're a faggot.


You are one depressing angry little man

yeah why don't WWE HOF and POF and blow your house down or sumthin


Jim Norton has never won a debate with anyone.

I think you're forgetting all the times he called someone "baby boy" condescendingly. Game, set, match.

U are incorrect sir! He won the debate with Patrice over if Faceoff was a shitty movie

Haha, that was a great one! I stand corrected.

He ran circles around Opie, not that that's much of an accomplishment...

Jimmy was still correct to assume he was, because we all know that's exactly how we'd make fun someone with a disability.

Ann Coulter is still wrong because she didnt have this video evidence either, she defended Trump with some bullshit lawyer-speak about semantics.

That being said, I'm glad he posted this video, because it makes Trump look better - but it doesnt give a pass to Ann Coulter's bullshit lawyer-style defense that had nothing to do with this video

Didn't he see the video? Trump was struck by lightning.

The problem is Ant created this problem. Cumia is terriffic on most things but not totally informed on political issues. So people are scared to trend in that direction to sound like they are low info.

I am voting for Trump because of that impression. Fucking hilarious. Next week he'll be the headliner with Mexican hater Rich Vos.

Trump has been doing the "retard arms" since the reporter incident to cover for himself--to set up this very foxnews article and video.

He's so sneaky he even went back to 2005 to really set up the ruse.

Where's the evidence of him doing this before November 2015?

Okay, good call, but maybe that's just his go-to retard impression. The example with the reporter is much more involved.

That would be hilarious, but no, he was doing it before that.

Was he? I haven't seen it.

Yeah, go look for it.

