what?! is he trying to hit on this guy lol

9  2016-09-15 by Justyna_A


Ant just can't control his bisexuality anymore.

I take it 16 is the age of consent in NY?

17 not 16

too old for Ant

Chris hayes DOES seem like a homo...

Not surprised

He should take Chris Hayes to the prom, that would be hilarious!

Swing and a miss

Hey, he just wants to buy him an ipad.

The brain is starting to misfire on this old fella..

I hate to ruin the bit, but i believe he was implying that Chris Hayes is communicating like teenage girl.

I hate to ruin the bit, but I'm implying that you are a faggot.

If i had to guess, i'd saying your doing a little more than implying it.


Ant isn't one to tweet about that. Guy uses emojis like a real asshole

You've lost me bro, I must be missing the bit.

If you follow him on Twitter, he often uses emojis like a 12 year old especially when he's flirting with underage girls
