Brother Joe back up to 30,000 votes and climbing. This one will be deleted over my cold dead peckah

93  2016-09-14 by Ant_Sucks


See that's a dude that should have been banned.

He suicided his account instead, which is just as good. Good riddance to him.

Hm wonder if he's in the #stinksarmy now

Hes probably that stjnkskc douche

What a faggot shitdick

The last faggot had a moral crisis. Sounds like the plot of a fucking Rom-Com.

Really? A moral crisis on this sub?

was he seriously having trolls remorse over this silly shit and not just ruining fun to be a dick? his post was deleted I hope to god there's some way to read it

u/TriangleDimes reposted it in the event babyboy would get drunk and delete that also (he did)

Well since you asked nicely and didn't call me a faggot... Me deleting it actually had nothing to do with feeling bad or growing a conscience. I still think Joe is annoying, child spit-receiving leech.

Tbh - the main reason I deleted it is because I was sitting there in my drunken haze last night thinking - 'I'm 31 years old and the best thing I've accomplished in my life is winning the approval of (no offense) a bunch of fellow obsessive autists for making an Urban Dictionary submission about a man who plays in cover bands and lives off his brother's allowance.' No matter how much of a loser Joe might be, I'm a bigger loser for being invested in him in any way.

Also - I'm almost certain those votes were paid for. I have no idea why anyone who wasn't in on the joke would be upvoting that. It's just too good to be true. One of you almost certainly paid some unfortunate savage on Fiverr to create those upvotes.

Another reason is that I genuinely believe that Joe was enjoying it. One of the most annoying things about him is he's one of those retards who enjoys any kind of attention he gets, whether it's positive or negative.

Lastly it just stopped being fun. Yes, in the first couple of days it was amazing seeing all the upvotes but then the novelty wears off. There's not really any difference between 1,000 votes and 10,000 votes or even 100,000+ votes. It wouldn't have any impact on his life so it was pointless it even being there. Getting his gigs cancelled and him having to come here writing a begging letter for us to stop was way funnier.

So you peckas hate me now, which is somewhat understandable but those are the reasons. Now downvote me and call me a faggot.

thank you for your service

what a dildo lol

yuck! What a faggot.

Thank you.

Anyone who regrets thier actions has no place here.

It is so bitch.

I bet his mother caught him posting it, and made him delete it in front of her, he then made that post to save face.

LOL faggot.

What does 'Regret' mean?

Well son, a funny thing about regret is, that it's better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven't done. And by the way, if you see your mom this weekend, will you be sure and tell her...SATAN SATAN SATAN


I take offense to the obsessive autist line. Im a degenerate alcoholic obsessive autist.

so selfish

I wish this guy would smash into an abutment drunk off a fifth of ol granddad.

I cannot comprehend in my mind that he had such a successful troll going for him, and deleting it.

That goes against the laws of worldwide anonymous electronic transfer of information.

the pressure and the fame just got to be too much

He didn't even do anything that had any real consequences. It wasnt like Carlton who tried to get that illegal honor student deported. This guy made an urban dictionary entry about Joe cumia, a man who embarrasses himself more on facebook everyday than that UD entry ever could. And he was acting like it was something he had to keep up with or pay for and it lost its fun so he had to take it down. He easily could have just never looked at it again.

Paul Shaffer from Letterman's studio band apparently did a VH1 show where he would review cover bands, and each week Shaffer would sign off with, "Just because you're in a cover band, it doesn't mean you're not a star."

But in Brother Joe's case he would have said, "Just because you checked the wrong box on your DMV forms, doesn't mean you're not a nigger."

I love that there isn't any login for voting, so I get to give this a thumbs up every time I see it.

Absolutely. It filled up my good deeds quota to the point where I cancelled all future blood donation appointments

Ah well, I don't think there's a big demand for AIDS-y blood anyway. Love ya, miss ya.

Perhaps a little NSFW if your work doesn't involve researching how much demand there actually is for aids blood

I just can't bring myself to click it. I'm sorry.

I should stop just going ahead and clicking things.

Me too.

Technically that's AIDS cum, not AIDS blood.

eh, you're just a lightweight who didn't even open any threads. there are tons of posts in there where guys are advertising blood-swap orgies, but yeah most are just looking for "donors" to scrape up their assholes up with a toothbrush before giving them "the gift" via a humble creampie, you're right.

you're just a lightweight who didn't even open any threads.

and proud of it

the forum header is cummy hairy asshole spread eagle

look at robert frost over here

Deleting the original UD entry didnt make that guy any less of a faggot. Too bad the pressure of internet stardom went to his head. I'm sure he was recognized in the street as THE guy who made a dictionary entry on a slightly bigger faggot. Holy shit.

Gee, i wonder who the gave it the solitary thumbs down?

iT waZ mEe.

ApRehL FahLlS

Oh, Edgar!

And yet still no mention of child spit and sexual purposes.

Thank you for your service.

How the hell did it get so many votes?

Lol 30,000 upvotes in 4 days

Me too.