#stinksarmy is under attack

1  2016-09-14 by felchandbelch

Members of the #stinksarmy are already being banned from this sub due to the promotion of GRIZx, CCRed95 and K1bbler from simple users to power-tripping moderators.

The days of O&A sub as we knew it are officially over.


I was just mod but said no. I like being down here with the people

That's what makes you such a great leader and makes me regret my username choice. A man of the people, Ian.

Love, felchandbelchkc

I could be a friend to you, Ian.

Love, goo-gobbler (the sisters)

Whoa is this girls?

uhm, yesss

Help me I'm under attack someone is reporting all my posts truing to get me. Banned

Post a thread stinks!

I've done nothing but read retard reports.

user reports:


same here

Don't mess with the #stinksarmy

Yall want me to climb trump tower again? This is yalls party

So u/CCRed95 must be to blame? Way to throw your own under the bus.

Seems like we are blaming everyone first but the Puerto Rican. You guys are getting soft.

If you knew me you'd know that me and /u/stinkskc are friends, i just texted him a few mins ago.The only person I didnt like out of the "stinks army" was Stjnkskc, but noone did.

None of the new mods are powertripping, I assure you. I havent been a mod long enough to learn the fucking ropes.

You text each other? Sounds like a tight relationship!

How do you send dick pics then?

I got an IM from u/stjinkskc saying he's been banned. So somebody must have...

I'm not pointing fingers, but judging by your comment about having a problem with him, you're looking like the most likely culprit.

yeah i banned him for a single day, his words were " you are too much of a pussy to ban me" so I wanted to give him what he wanted. I havent banned anyone else, or deleted any other posts. But when someone asks me to ban them, I happily will.

that guys fucked up, his obsession is ben72 levels of craziness.

Cool bananas, mate! I guess he got what he asked for!


He was kind of a douchebag anyway.

yeah he was, the way he writes makes me feel like he has another account here anyway. like I said earlier, hes like benjamin72

Wouldn't suprise me. But then again not much on this sub does anymore.

You are too much of a pussy to ban /u/anthonycumiashow

dont tempt me, lol that would be amazing!

do it then if you arent a faggot pussy

dont you want to be liked? don't you want to hang out with us after school?

lets go guys, griz is too scared to ban /u/anthonycumiashow, like some sort of CHICKEN

He was kind of a douchebag anyway.