Mods, why can't you just let this place run itself like it used to?

78  2016-09-14 by GhostOfSteveC

This place was funny and running just fine when we were left alone. Stop threatening bans. It's fucking gay. Only time you should threaten a ban is if people start brigading and this place risks getting shut down. Why do you need all these rules all of a sudden? This place is going to become fucking worthless if all we can do is post old clips.

The hands off approach is the only thing that made this place successful and better than the rest of this gay ass site.


You should be happy, we finally have our very own Opie.

What does that mean?

Just means that I disliked his shit as of late, whereas GRIZx and K1bbler are doing a fine job. They're good eggs.

Oh my word!

Is that a chrome extension?

It's called Reddit Enhancement Suite, and you can get it for Chrome, yes.

Its awesome.


We got... OnA sub..... uhh uh uh gimme some more subs..

"Uhh baldopie...."

We got baldopie! What're some more


Bill buurra

We got uhhh, r/wtfporngifs

It dun run just fine without all this here interferin' and what not

If you want band well der yoo go


Funny choice of words,friend. If you'll remember o&a talked at length about a politican talk about Miller beer and he said something similar. Small world!

Forum expert here. I see this all the time.

See, mods have nothing else in their lives, and want something to have power over. This is all they have. It's unfortunate for the rest of us, I know.

Forum expert here.

Shut the fuck up you faggot.

actual forum expert here, that guy is definitely a faggot according to forum law

As a faggot on a forum I can confirm that he's an expert at being a faggot commenting about forums.

As a faggot who is an expert on being a faggot on a forum, I can verify that every poster above mine, loves semen smeared on thier face from tar black sub-saharan helmets.


There it is. Sometimes you just have to work a dead horse till you find the sweet spot ..sniff

Id like to run it like that too, i understand him wanting to remove shitposts even though i dont agree with it, but banning people or censoring criticism isnt something i wanna do, its stupid and furthermore not effective

The only people who deserve to be banned are the ones who spam

and the queers and blacks and humorously short men

So everybody then?

Spaceedge banned me because I made fun of his benzo addiction. He is literally a faggot.

not giving a fuck is what separates this place from the rest of the world


Why don't you and the other mods just start a new O & A sub?

Faggot wanted to prevent this place from shutting down, then sold it to Luis, just to make us all leave. Thier faggotry makes Jeff Scott look good. I wonder how reddit feels about mod positions being sold.

he didnt sell it to luis. Luis has no mod powers he just wanted to freak people out

You were supposed to string me along and get me angrier.

Not put out the fire!

I support you and u/k1bbler ascension, you two are good eggs.

oh no never mind its all gonna fall apart

sniff Vurry funny.

Thats a perfect example of why SpaceEdge is a douche and should leave the sub. Hes treating us like we're invading his little club.

He was alright before, but somehow wants to act like a little bitch all of a sudden

That was fucking funny.

It certainly worked lol

Don't listen to CCRed95. Since he and K1bbler took power 1 hour ago, they have already banned multiple users.

they also said that norm macdonald discussion/links will no longer be allowed and that dan carlin is a big dummy and his podcast shant even be mentioned.

this is all true and you can PM them to try and change their minds if you feel strongly about these things

Maybe if we all call them Jews they'll stop being such Jews

-Joseph Goebbels

Can someone explain to me what's going on? Who is the mod who is suddenly changing things? What rules are suddenly in place? What is brigading? What does "shit post" mean?

people wanted different funny pictures of celebrities on the sub sidebar so naturally we all viciously turned on each other


I regret to inform you all that --DC-- died a few minutes ago while making the above post. As he was a very close friend I am devastated, and have chosen to join him in the afterlife.

On behalf of both --DC-- and myself, let me thank you all for the laughs over the past few years. I'll let myself out.




Why would anyone want to be an internet moderator?

It's like moderating dog turds on the street.

SpaceEdge does that too.

You don't think internet mods are revered and respected?


I'm guessing you were looking for the Ant 'Noooooo'

I don't know what you mean.

Yeah, but you're appointed to moderate the turds.

There's a street near me where a woman makes little flags out of paper and cocktail sticks which she puts in every dog turd on the street.

I say it's a woman I have no idea, it's only the art & crafts element which I'm going on.

You might have a Dutchman in your neighbourhood.

Decorating dogshit with little German or Dutch flags was a proud Amsterdam tradition. Sadly, it's an almost vanished artform, these days, since the streets are no longer piled high with dog turds.

I don't like change :(

Can somebody hold me...or at least kick me in the cunt?

"hold my hand duuude"

If you all elect me mod I promise to rule with an iron fist and crush dissent under my boot.

"I'm gonna shut down the studio."

As someone else said in a another thread, it's pretty fucking ridiculous that an O&A sub has so many mods and rules.

Is this sub become Opie Radioed? mods are the new corporate?

Management is very happy with the direction of the sub.

I hate all authority and life but I think the mods do their job by keeping the actual shitposting off here. I can only imagine the pile of retarded user reports and threads that get submitted here.


I'd ban you for this post.

As long as this place isn't banned I don't care what the mods do

What if they don't let people shit on Cumia and opie anymore

We're supposed to be ABOVE ALL ELSE real...

We are trying to run this place like we used to. Stop creating shit threads and that will happen.

There you go again with the censorship

Censorship? The last thing I did was band a someone who constantly broke the rules. We have always had rules here.

Reddit is the last thing that needs to be moderated, the community decides what's good or not. Just hang yourself in your closet before this gets out of hand.

Everyone knows the deal with internet moderators, and the type of people who become internet moderators. You're not getting your bullshit past us.

There has never once been a mod, on any website, who didn't suck cocks.

very true. I shit post with the best of them when I have a lil' alcohol in me and my posts simply get downvoted to oblivion and ignored for the most part. Moderation is just not needed most of the time.

Is it true he banned Carl teen machine?

May I just politely point out that I didn't break any rules. I'm saying this as politely as I can so that I don't get censored or banned again. All that I ask is that you note how polite I have been as I cower in fear of your mod powers, oh Fuhrer.

Trying to run the place like you used to? It's not like you've opened a diner. The sub runs itself. Update the sidebar pics every once and a while and... what else?

fuck you faggot

people wanted different funny pictures of celebrities on the sub sidebar so naturally we all viciously turned on each other

He was alright before, but somehow wants to act like a little bitch all of a sudden

You might have a Dutchman in your neighbourhood.

Decorating dogshit with little German or Dutch flags was a proud Amsterdam tradition. Sadly, it's an almost vanished artform, these days, since the streets are no longer piled high with dog turds.