Bobos love is no more.

13  2016-09-14 by Justyna_A


Next week on the news "Autistic man murders his family, over gofundme account" I bet his mommy put her foot down and said no.

She did she said no he pulled a fit. No pussy for Bobo. Not until he finds his next victim lol

Where the fuck are Bobo's perks.

They're on the way, awlright? I'm not loying!

One of the perks is he'll send you a locket of her hair.

Scalp included.

No no that's extra. A few bucks more

How has no one been able to get Bobo pussy in all this time? Jimmy can't get him a hooker? Anthony can't get one of his Long Island slobs to fuck him for a goof? Opie can't titty-fuck him? It's pathetic

He's loying! I wus willing he's loying guys!

The fact not one of these millionaires can get this fucking guy his hole is a disgrace !

Can we turn this around and do a gofundme to pay for Bobos travel expenses regarding a trip he'll be making to see his friend that by coincidence lives at the local whore house?

Who knows if his scarred up prick still works..

No because paying to help get a retarded person laid is creepy af.

That's where you draw the line?

He is probably mad that that girl has Norton jizz all over herself.

I'd start a gofundme for him to go to the Bunny Ranch, but then I'd just end up taking the money and going myself. I'd send him some pictures, though, cause I'm a good guy.