Petition to officially merge this sub with r/askgaybros

111  2016-09-14 by maynardsabeast


He's outraged we use the word faggot, but he is calling the actual gay people in that thread faggots.

Guy has moxie, but he is clearly is in the middle of some kind of a mental breakdown.

It's fucking bizarre, whatever the hell he's trying to accomplish.

Pill abuse is fucking horrible man. I kind of feel sorry for the son of a bitch.

I wouldn't be surprised if this fellow was a repressed homosexual himself Gregory!

Perhaps more then that!

He says weird shit to people, dude.


These guys fucking rule. They're welcome here anytime

He literally expected the gays to form together and create his personal army.

Oh it's /u/DeathsquadDefector I wonder if he is going to call us bunch of edgelords

edit: He did

can you explain what that means?

Any internet word that ends with lord is monumentally embarrassing

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of edgelord :

A poster on an Internet forum, (particularly 4chan) who expresses opinions which are either strongly nihilistic, ("life has no meaning," or Tyler Durden's special snowflake speech from the film Fight Club being probably the two main examples) or contain references to Hitler, Nazism, fascism, or other taboo topics which are deliberately intended to shock or offend readers.

The term "edgelord," is a noun, which came from the previous adjective, "edgy," which described the above behaviour.

Nietzsche was an edgelord before it was cool.

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Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Brother Joe :

A person who is devoid of talent or charm and therefore must rely on a close family member (usually a younger brother) to provide them with sustenance, shelter and attention.

Wow I didn't realize until recently what a Brother Joe I've become. It's time to get my life together and stop being such a loser.

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What a bunch of faggots

Ok were taking this guy down

All you fags are all right! This new union between my 2 favorite subs brings a tear to my eye.

Man OP really got us, he must be Luis' sock, and is banning anyone who calls him names. He got real happy right before u/Spaceedge lost his shit and sold this sub to the fucking unfunny man kissing spic.


Faggot faglord, dicksucker.

I bet you are gay! I wonder how many gallons of jizz passed into your stomach.

Gay, fruit fag, queer, polesmoker, rod-rider, semen seeker, cockmongler, shit swizzler, ass pounder, dirthole digger, mudpit munching assed faggotty assed faggot manfucker cunt hater!

Your mother too!

Am I supposed to understand what's going on or is this just a random hate crime?

A true Faggle of gay's.

+1, I have many, many questions.

That faggot saying "Joe Roman" made me spit out my cheerios.

Who'd a thunk gay people would be so tolerant? That rogan hater is such a tard

Even the faggots hate that nutjob.


That dude is way crazier than Ben

Ben actually had a normal conversation with me. He said he did it for fun. I bet he's still around. He says he'd make some accounts every few months but that was a long time ago.

Why does reddit allow non np.reddit posts if its such a big deal.

Ps, this can be used as a pretext to have the sub banned.

Wouldn't Jim Gorton be the edgelord to Falcone's pisslord?

I'm faggoty.

I'm just suprised we don't have the craziest people on reddit.

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Ha. Some guy on that subreddit doxxed him. Guess his mentally ill bullshit caught up with him.

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