Luis is going to shut this place down then have a major role in Amy's next movie

7  2016-09-14 by iWhereSchortSchorts

His character being an obnoxiously stupid and loud Puerto Rican who dresses like he's trying out for the community center boxing league that prevents white males from raping vaguely ethnic but predominantly light skinned minorities.


Luis is putting the sub behind a paywall.

Then he'll change the name of it to /r/BigJaycomesheresometimesIswear


The new direction of the sub is %20 profitable with positive cash flow occuring on month 2 of 4.

The Puerto Rican antique plate. He's such a rad tough dude that isn't fragile to criticism at all.

Luis doesn't have full moderator permissions. He only has mod mail.

I have mod mail on /r/alcohol and it's the bane of my existence

First they get their foot in the door then a week later they kick it down. Puerto Ricans are the real niggers of the world.

he doesn't even have that. His name is just pinned up there like I did with BoBo.

Jesus Christ you people freak out about the dumbest things. One min it's no mods the next min its why is Luis a mod.


Im trying really hard to not shit on you in every comment dude, but whats your deal? This isnt your little club, stop treating it that way.

I wasn't answering you I was answering /u/Ant_Sucks

Calm down

Do you think I thought you were talking to me before I even commented?

Your comment was a lie and I called it out as such. Youre being a sensitive little baby because many here have, rightly, turned on you and your stupid power trip.

Go swallow some more pills buddy.

Shouldn't you be promoting your new sub ? I can make it easier for you to leave and do that if you want.

that sounds like a pretty faggy threat, do you make faggy threats often?

Im not going to goad you into banning me dude. If me and others shitting on you is too much for you to deal with then youre a sad guy with no life outside this sub, which is pretty likely considering this goofy power trip youre on.

You're being a sissy little girl, stop it.

Edit: I didnt make a sub so I can gain a flock to control. I made it so others have somewhere to post when they get tired of your censorship.


u/SpaceEdge, commenting on a Luis J Gomez thread but removed a Joe Rogan post as off topic

u/SpaceEdge comment?

Holy fuck dude, coffee EVERYWHERE!

u/SpaceEdge, commenting on a Luis J Gomez thread but removed a Joe Rogan post

u/SpaceEdge comment?

I really doubt he'd shut down a place like this when he can find such fine material to use on LoS.


