Jimmy and Anthony

11  2016-09-14 by Justyna_A


Doctor Steve ‏@weirdmedicine

@AnthonyCumia coupla fruits

The Dr. is a good egg

That would be an amazing show five years ago. Now it would be two old women complaining about blacks and plane travel.

just wait till they start letting blacks onto planes. Then these two will really have something to rant about!

I really miss these two pieces of shit together. Why did Anthony have to take lonely Time Square photos that night and ruin a perfectly good thing

Because he was scouting out tranny hookers.

Does that answer your question?


Whenever theyre next to eachother the faggot in me comes out and cancels out any bad feelings I have for these two pussies. I genuinely hope they stay friends forever.

OK, faggot, what's next?

Drunken masturbation

Drunken masturbation and staying friends forever.

This one of the only pictures I've seen of Jimmy from the last few years where him smiling doesn't look totally forced and awkward

Fake smile from the worm, again. Not surprising, I'd bet Jimmy wants Ant to fuck off just as much as Opie does but is too afraid he wont make it in the "Schumer world of comedy" and will have to revert back to his old life. Good ol' no-bridge-burning-Jim.

Ricky is Yimmy's best ally, at least he doesn't get cut out with him. Plus Ricky also gifted us with this

Jim in the Tyson jacket and Ant in one of his three plaid shirts. Who owns less clothing?

Anthony Cumia - A man who now has to post pics of himself with people that he used to be around on a daily basis, just to prove that he still has a connection to the real entertainment industry that exists outside of his basement.

I love fat Ant.

It's almost like people get bloated and puffy looking when they consume alcohol daily. I present exhibit A

You'd think that scared him straight after the whole "battleship" fiasco.

Well it's the daily pizza and coke he's drinking.

The racist and the chode. Two of the biggest hacks not named Opie.

Ladies and gentlemen...coming this October!


My god, that would make my decade.

What a desperate, passive/aggressive douchebag Anthony is.

From this? He's having fun with his old pal. Let him have a little enjoyment in his life.

Why? He's human garbage.

Jimmy doesn't realize people don't want his leukemia face pressed up against theirs while taking photos.


Do they?

Haha i get it! Like they fawkin shop for photo's together or sumthin!