Latest tattoo model for Anthony

0  2016-09-14 by Justyna_A


Well it looks like Ant finally found his gun.

cis or trans?


Really? Fuck op then. She's hot though.



I wonder if she put cotton balls in those drapes to make them quieter.

Her teeth are fucking atrocious. yuck!

I think this was the Oregon stripper that Cory Booker was DMing. She stopped in when Ant was still at Sirius.

Its like he's got two pussy's or sometin.

Girls who tattoo themselves like that are strong in their identity, personality, and have great self-confidence.

Does she have a cock, too? I hope not; because I'd probably fuck her. Actually, I'd probably fuck her even if she had a cock.

She has a kid.

That's far worse than a cock.

That's true.

Well, then you know she puts out.

No wonder the old man has been so chipper (what's that) lately.

So That's where his pistol was in Dani's vid, You out smarted yourself mr. Cumia

Here is a picture of Beavis taken about 9 days ago. OP is being dishonest in my opinion. This is an older picture and the title gives the impression it is fresh news.

"she" tucks it well.


Even at this shitty resolution I can identify six seperate elevations of teeth. And is that fucking octupus with a viking helmet