i like opie. fuck you if you hate me for it.

0  2016-09-13 by dog_baby

Some pathetic douche thumbs-downed me because I said something vaguely supportive of Opie. So let's be clear: I like Opie. Been listening to the show since they were in NYC, which is probably more than most of you fucknuts. So, yah, I'm better than you. Did I like O&A better? Yeah. Before Anthony started blathering endless racist crap and showing up wasted a regular basis. Still like the guy. Fuck me for being loyal and liking who like. Do I love O&J? No. Do I like it? Yes. The show has taken a different direction, and generally speaking I like it. Do I love Opie? No. But I like him, and his roll in the show then and now. I've read all your anti-opie posts and I often see your point, mostly. But mainly I think the rabid nopies are pathetic whiny pieces of shit who should go back to jerking off into mom's O! Magazines and shut the fuck up. There. Hit me with your anti-karma, fuckers.You're mom's box! ( Not that most of you faggots know what that means.)


What a weird way to come out of the closet, congrats I guess.

I feel like if Opie were to go on Reddit and defend himself this is how he would do it.

I feel like your pathetic ego, that depends on the idea someone successful would give a shit what you thinks, exposes you as the useless burger-flipping no-pussy-having slob you most certainly are.

Well, you sure told us!

Sure did. Great addition to the conversation, man.

It's ok to like Opie... I have nothing against faggots.

Thanks. I have nothing against mouth-breathing wastes of oxygen who spend hours a day just finding things to hate so they can feel superior to...well,... nobody. Agree to disagree?

Do you like him like jesus or a Buddhist? Or like a fan?

Like L. Ron I guess.

Seaorg time!

Don't make me lock you down in the bilge

swing and a miss

Didn't have much to work with. :)

Didn't have much to work with. :)

Didn't have much to work with. :)

Didn't have much to work with. :)

Didn't have much to work with. :)

/u/dog_baby faggot

Fuck your dirty cunt licking meth addicted mother you bobo-dicked Twatto shaped Frenchie buttplug

I can see why you like opie

Huh? State your mind or stfu

Your one of the autistic fans who cheered at the radio whenever there was a midget sighting or they used the term hole

More of a fan of Louie trying to get rumsfeld to admit he's a flesh-eating lizard.

More of a fan of Louie trying to get rumsfeld to admit he's a flesh-eating lizard.

You care about what strangers think. Good job.

Wow, good one. What the fuck are you talking about?

Hes talking about your tits support essay, stupid. Nobody gives a fuck about your niceties.

I'm talking about your herpes ridden mouth, you simple fuck

what the fuck does my herpes have to do with anything? your support for tits is indefensible, so youre flying off the handle and bringing up old news. take your ritalin and settle down, your autism is aglow.

tss support for tits whats dis guy a bra or sumtin

Liking someone isn't supporting them, moron. I'm just sick off all of you clearly jealous losers who are too maladjusted to do anything but tear other people down. If you ever met him, I guarantee youd be a fanboy to his face.


my comment was deleted. simply this: im not jealous of opie. i would hate to have a personality like that. im not a fanboy, im not writing missives defending the guy nobody likes. theres no part of me that wants to meet any of the three main characters of the show, and i live like 15 minutes from the comedy cellar. youre wrong and youre sad.

Your attitude redeems you somewhat

Sure it does. :)

opies a try hard faggot the only redeeming thing about him is that he teamed up with jim and anthony, its the only thing

Way to put together a coherent sentence!

Thx baby bro!

Because "Thanks" is too many letters for you to remember, Brother-Man.

Huh? State your mind or stfu

Thx baby bro!