What dies first? The O&J show or Bob Kelly?

15  2016-09-13 by Dennyislife


Bobby DeVito

bobby is slowly transforming into a swaggy asian 6th grader


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

The manatee is know as the sea cow

I'm surprised the Japanese haven't poached him for oil yet.

Is this from the episode where Frank Reynolds steals shit from Philly AIDS Thrift?

He looks like Larry "Bud" Melmen

Wow look at that stud Pride FC fighter. Must be Dan Henderson or Fedor. I can tell by the shaved head.

Larry Bud Melman has really let himself go.

Those glasses should be smashed through the back of his head..

I'm convinced Norton has MS.

He's always been a twitchy mother fucker

Bobby is one of those guys that buys every trendy gimmick that comes out.

I remember a few years ago he got one of those stupid bags that goes over one shoulder. "Dude, you put your fucking keys, your wallet and your phone in one place. It's awesome dude."

Oh shit I remember his shitty bandoleer that he would talk up like it was the future of backpacks.

I too remember the bandoleer.

Don't know... but i do know Bobo somehow wins in the end.

Booby keeps on talking about his fats to skinnies to fats but when was the last time he wasn't Buddha sized?

Looks like the old man from Up and the kid from Up had a baby.

Blobby is adorable in this clip.

Too close to call... I can't imagine both sustaining life on October 2 2016.


'Hey look how big my glasses are! Don't look down.'

Fat Gavin from Kids in the Hall.

He looks like Junior Soprano if he had lived in the back of Satriales

Drew Carey anyone?

O&J show.Bawbby might be a whale,but at least he's not floundering. .....oh fawk yeah...

Shut up, not chip