This Subreddit is full od Alt-Right Teenagers who don't know shit about O&A

0  2016-09-13 by [deleted]

Using terms like "shit lords" these fucking POS's don't even know about Patrice or the golden days of O&A...If you're younger than mid 20s you obviously are just here because you think its an "edgy subreddit" like u/guinness525... These kids are just like the kids over at r/joerogan who tattoo Joe's face on their legs....if you are a legit O&A fan from the Patrice days I don't mean you...I mean these dumbass reddit kid who jump on any bandwagon they can and copy every style they can because they have no personality at all and don't even know shit about the subreddit they are coping....Just a bunch of little shit ass culture vultures....


Gang, I have a confession to make. I'm only an edgy teenager, who knows nothing about O&A. Heck, I don't even know who Patrice is! I'm just here because it makes me feel cool. That felt good to get off my chest.

Good. Now go home and get your fuckin shinebox.

I heard he was some guy some other old dude had to buy a purple suit and a giant coffin. Maybe he was in Prince's band or something, I dunno. He was fat as shit so maybe he played for the Vikings defense, too. Anybody know?

trying to make an edgy sarcastic response

I can't even rebut. You've got all my moves figured out!

He's playing 3D chess now.

I don't even get why you're here your obviously around 16 years old you know jack shit about O&A, just little douchebags just like this subreddit cause you want to pretend you understand shit you know nothing about...this sub is too old for you, go join some gaming subreddit or some other bullshit u little fag.

When you stopped responding to this discussion, I figured you had suddenly become self-aware, and decided to stop embarrassing yourself. I now realize that you were busy angrily typing away at this masterpiece.

Dis kids guhd

that thread is locked retard...

All the same, you felt the need to type this out, which means I really must have struck a nerve. That delights me greatly.

not really I just find it funny you kids are wasting your time on reddit, wasting your precious probably don't even have a job...

I'd love to hear how you justify the unhealthy amount of time you spend on your own sub, all the while, fantasizing that Joe will one day tie you up and hollow you out.

"You kids" lol how old of a fella are you?

U were fucking 12 when Patrice was still alive u lil know nothing shit head.

Why do you keep bringing up Patrice like it makes your argument look better? You're coming off like a severely unstable person.

cause you're 15 and you don't even know who Patrice is yet you are on the opie and Anthony subreddit

Again, mentally unstable.

I was in my mid 20's when Patrice was alive, I was at his last show alive at helium a month before the stroke. Like I said I'm older than you, you are just making yourself look like complete and utter garbage.

Chill out, smoke a joint and delete this thread for your own good.

Don't be that guy...

Wow dude you're fucking 50 and you're arguing with people on reddit your life must really suck balls....

Considering Patrice died 5 years ago and I stated that I was 25 at the time that would make me 30.

I'm not the one arguing online, you're the one who is making an ass of yourself arguing about trivial shit like people's ages.

Cmon dude I've given you multiple times to just delete the thread so you don't embarrass yourself further. You just keep digging deeper.

Sorry you trying to demonize for drinking made me either think you were 15 or an ex-alcoholic 60 year old I couldn't tell....either way you are obviously a faggot....why would I delete anything on an anonymous website???? Im so embarrassed dude, cause im just fucking around on a random website...You act like a toddler and got angry when I posted that this thread obviously has teenagers on it 24/7 who respond to my troll comments after 2 sir are a faggot.

late 20s im guessing you are 17 thought you are really retarded and don't belong in this sub u lil faggot.

You sound like the grumpy old dude in every neighborhood that steals kids baseballs because they landed in your yard, you should delete this before you embarrass yourself any further.

U sound like another 16 year old acting tough on full of u fags lol

Seriously dude what's wrong? You been drinking?

What's wrong with letting younger people on the sub? We're lucky the sub has continued to grow after Anthony was fired.

If you need the company of older, out of touch gentlemen then maybe you should go back to posting on Wackbag with the rest of the senile folks like Fred from Brooklyn.

yes I am legally allowed to drink, im not some little cunt who is pissed the hot girl in high school didn't want to go to prom with me...I am in my late 20s, I have a job, I am an O&A fan, I understand the messages Patrice sent before he are just a little 17 y/o cunt who is here because you think your mature and "get it" when in reality you are a total fake little pimple face piece of garbage faker who doesn't belong here.

Aww sweetpea, I'm older than you, maybe you should follow your own advice and leave.


its better than being whatever age you are and lurking here...


exactly dude you should be slaying pussy but you spend your time on reddit trying to "shit lord" ur a faggot....I gladly don't have a wife and kids but if I was transported back to my early 20s I wouldn't be on reddit in any way shape or form like u faggot..


If you got any pussy you wouldn't come across as angry as you give off a heavy virgin vibe bro...

You give off a friendless schizophrenic vibe.

Lol you guys are totally insecure virgins its not that hard to talk to girls just have a few drinks and talk to them....


dude im just fucking with you, but seriously you need to get offline and go talk to some are young and should be living your life...not sitting online taking out your sexual frustration on random dudes online....


nah I don't put from the rough...go check out r/joerogan tho plenty of puffers over there...


go get em tiger!


u/GRIZx is without doubt the biggest faggot on this sub.

😘 you're just mad I called you out for your horseshit earlier

EDIT: the only reason I called you out is because there's like 10 different stinkskc parody accounts on here, atleast try to be original with the user name next time.

Your number 1 griz!

You're just a gay man trapped in an even gayer mans body


created new account to tell me this LOL

I just want to personally welcome all of the children. DM me tykes.

Now this is a cool post

I support the young blood. But hey, as an Anthony Cumia fan I would.

You're drunk

you're 16 y/o sitting on reddit cant even get drunk....pathetic....go get some pussy u little scared bitch

Sir, are you brother Joe? Your sentence structure seems really familiar, are you sure you don't want to pay me in Cumia bucks to spit in your mouth for sexual reasons?

Are you steals from asprey?

Steal from Asprey was probably murdered by Joe Rogan or by fans of JR...I am just continuing his mission.

What kind of drugs do you enjoy?

All of them i'm not 14 like everyone in this sub...

HAHA Do you enjoy any of them more than others? Any bad habbits?

nah I pretty much like all drugs equally...I don't have any habits that affect my life, I have good self control....but I do all drugs....

When did you decide that Joe Rogan needs to be taken down a peg? What really makes you dislike him? Is your mission to make people believe he sucks? Have you ever met him?

Ive met Joe, he's really super short...I met him at the comedy store... Joe is just a super insecure hacky comic who goes on long rants about comedy when he knows jack shit....he surrounds himself with yes men and sells snakeoil to his bastion of insecure, homosexual obsessed fans...I don't really have a mission I just think its funny to make fun of him and whether its his company or him shutting down al criticism of him, it makes it incredibly ironic considering he claims criticism is good for everyone and other hypocritical statement regarding censorship...

Is going on reddit and making fun of Joe Rogan like your secret persona? I'm guessing you separate the way you act here from your regular life? It would be nice if you just had some normal conversations here. I don't have a problem with making fun of anyone but you have an issue making the things you say funny when it comes to Rogan. I'm not saying you're obsessed but when people come off that way it's hard to find what they say funny.

Maybe take a step back and shit on Opie for a little. Gain some momentum then come back with the Rogan shit when it makes sense. He's not very relevant here. A lot of people do like to make fun of him here but overall nobody really cares much about him. There are many hypocrites in this world. And many of them are just waiting to be mocked.

Its not really a secret persona but its the only reason I even fuck with reddit....r/joerogan2 was hilarious and it got shut down because Asprey got threats and they knew who he was in real life, I am just attempting to continue what he did. I just hate reddit now because the only sub I liked got shut down and every other reddit seems to be filled with these 15-22 year olds have never even had a job and think they are "shit lord" or whatever fucking jargon they think is hip at the moment...The fact these 15 year olds are on an O&A subreddit just makes me pissed...I am in my mid 20s and I barely belong here but I am/was a huge fan of Patrice and the golden days of O&A...Now you have these little shit heads here on this sub like who is Patrice? Just little disrespectful know nothing cuntlings who don't belong here...O&A was like Tough Crowd...its for adults....and reddit is full of these kids who have nothing better to do than sit on reddit talking about shit they know nothing about and partaking in conversation they are unworthy of participating in...imagine a 17 year old participating in this reddit and trying to understand the concepts Patrice laid just doesn't make any sense, they don't have the life experience yet to even contribute, yet this generation of shitheads have nothing better to do then to try to make themselves feel relevant in places where they arnt welcome...its like amy schumer or iliza Schlesinger ect ect doing comedy...they don't belong there....they are just irrelevant cunts....and people like Joe Rogan brag and laugh about how they "make money off their haters" and then shut down any criticism of him....and all his fans continue to gargle his ballsack and get his face tattooed on their bodies and then proceed to call people like me obsessed...Opie is low hanging fruit just like Joe Cumia, they undeniably suck...making fun of Joe Rogan is fun because there are so many nut hugging faggots who make shitting on him even more hilarious...The fact Joe's MCN Bentpixels activiley singles out anti-Joe Rogan videos on youtube and shuts them down makes it have a Streisand effect....Joe rogan 2 was about to go viral when it was exposing ONNIT, ect and they shit it down...I enjoy shitting on Joe because people get so pissed that we make fun of their hero because deep down they know hes a low key homo...I enjoy shitting on young shitheads here, because they are fake faggots.... I dunno I like trolling fake cunts like Joe rogan, Amy Schumer, young know nothing cunts,ect ect I dunno its just fun...

Well in here most people don't think of Joe Rogan as their hero. He should be shit on just like everyone else. I'm way worse than him though. I really am a piece of shit so it's just difficult for people like me to understand why he's someone's main target when there's scum like me out there. It seems like it's about celebrity worship. If he wasn't famous Asprey wouldn't give a shit. But so is almost all of the gossipy bullshit in /r/opieandanthony.

I hope it really is fun for you. Not many others enjoy it. Not because they love Rogan. I probably like some of the things Rogan does a lot more than most of the people here. But I don't care if people make fun of him. Especially if it's actually funny or orignal. Joerogan2 was alright. I like seeing the other sides of things. I also like shitting on people and Asprey was an easy target. It can be interesting. Especially peoples motivations. Continue your journey sir.

Lol is this how we look outside this subreddit? I sure hope not...

How could it not be?


Are you Jim Florentine? If so, I fucked your wife.


If I'm going by everyone else's posts, this sub is full of alt-right SJW libtard cucks that are teenage. teenybopper bolshevik proud boy faggots.

Y'alls sound like our favorite lesbian Vic Henley. Save your strength for our little thief will be back......


It true tbh fam. Some mutha fuckahs be like "who is stuntbrain?"

You still never explained who the fuck stuntbrain is. I've heard Opie mention him a lot which makes me nervous, but I have no idea who he is.

cause you're 15 and you don't even know who Patrice is yet you are on the opie and Anthony subreddit

Again, mentally unstable.

Sorry you trying to demonize for drinking made me either think you were 15 or an ex-alcoholic 60 year old I couldn't tell....either way you are obviously a faggot....why would I delete anything on an anonymous website???? Im so embarrassed dude, cause im just fucking around on a random website...You act like a toddler and got angry when I posted that this thread obviously has teenagers on it 24/7 who respond to my troll comments after 2 sir are a faggot.