Jimmy didn't want Stuntbrain on anymore...

0  2016-09-13 by Mr702law

I know I know, some of you hate SB. But it's election season and he's a writer for a pretty big online magazine. The idiots on the show know nothing about politics so SB is a good straight man to give the low down and the guys can make jokes.

It's election season in one of be most divisive elections of all time with crazy stuff happening every day.

Jimmy wanted another porn star.


Stunt brain basically runs a fucking blog at this point, Opie is the only one who still holds him in high regard because Opie himself still doesn't understand politics even at 59 years of age.

StuntBrain is one of the dumbest people on the planet. He regularly passes off inaccurate, incorrect information as fact. My issue with this fool has nothing to do with his ideology and everything to do with his constant misinformation.

Fair point. My larger point is Jimmy dismissing him cause he wants a porn star during such an interesting election.

Jimmy is an irrational child who holds grudges and throws temper tantrums. His mind is a logic-free zone.

Here at r/opieandanthony we hold our submitters to very high standards. So, source?

This was during the last tiff about Jimmy crying about having no say so in booking. One of these regards will link

I think its in the Opie vs Jimmy vs DL Hughley clip, its only like 8min

Why do we have to have porn stars or Stuntbrain?

Since both concepts suck, why not avoid both?

My point is it could have been Andersen Cooper and Jimmy would be so Ignorant to the current event relevance of the election he's think a stripper is a better idea.

No, he would go for the Anderson Cooper interview for the celebrity pic.

Yeah. First time. Then it'd be "Anderson Cooper AGAIN!!!??" I had Bailey Jay lined up to talk about what it's like being a tranny.

a lot of the shit he used to say on air would turn out to be horseshit, he talked out of his ass, fuck Coach Mike.

Who the fuck is stuntbrain

You really need to Linger Longer

I don't know who Stuntbrain is (or have forgotten) but adults with nicknames are invariably useless idiots.

downvote me but i always like SB