Why do you guys hate anthony so bad?

0  2016-09-12 by Bloodyshitassrip

Just curious. Is it jealousy?


He's a funny guy who willingly lost his sense of humor because he became obsessed with white supremacy websites. I don't hate him, I just think he's an idiot for winning life's lottery and throwing it away. Just give your fans what they want and cash your checks.

I don't hate him. I just miss the old Ant.

What the fuck was so funny about that?

-Edit: I mean why is Jimmy laughing that hard? I mean it was a funny enough line, but...really?

Just get the fuck off this sub please.

Tss, who are you, Red October er sumpthin?

Make me....

He's laughing that hard because, as a comic, he appreciates the quickness of his lines. Did you listen to the whole video?

I heard Jimmy laughing hysterically at "Would mine?" about Ant's fist. It was quick, and it's funny. But I mean...that funny? He's laughing like he just heard the Jerky Boys for the first time. I don't get it.

Listen to the whole thing. Maybe you didn't find that one funny, but the video is chock-full of goodies.

Ok, ok.

I cashed in my chips (whatsthat) too early, perhaps.

they fake laugh all the time, check this out


This is the actual answer.


Why not do both?

When does the "be funny again" start for Anthony? We've been waiting a long time.

Ask Anthony. He did do both until Obama won re-election and the Trayvon media coverage put him over the edge.

He is richer than you. He can do what he wants to do.

He ruined the show by going on a racist twitter rant. We all know if he had made one simple tweet, then gone on the show Monday and spent 3 hours breaking down every little detail of the event everything would have been fine. Flipping out on twitter and giving every blogger an easy "look at the racist things this millionaire radio host is tweeting!" article was beyond stupid.

After that, he beat the shit out of his teenage girlfriend. In the extended Dani periscope, you can clearly hear Dani bring up the abuse and Ant brush it off - no denial, no "what are you talking about", just brushing off the abuse and asking for her help in finding a gun.

When shit starts to hit the fan and the pests rightfully mock him? He threatens to dox us and give out all our personal information. Panera bread and whatnot. Threatening your fanbase, always a brilliant move.

He used to be a genuinely funny guy with some politically incorrect opinions on black people, now he's an alt-right racist who has nobody in his life that can tell him to fucking relax with the stormfront shit. For all the shit we give Opie, Gregg at least gave Ant just the right amount of leash to spout opinions without ever getting the show into any real trouble. Now, surrounded by Yes Men and guys collecting paychecks, he's too much of a dummy to realize he's managed to turn his entire life into one giant echo chamber.

But that never happened...

He never threatened to dox anyone

I remember watching a video where he said he has info on people that have subscribed to his service, and then threateningly said "Panera Bread ring any bells?" with a try-and-fuck-with-me look to the camera.

I mean shit, why do you think Panera Bread is an inside joke on this sub? Why not Applebees, or Five Guys, or Johnny Rockets? It's Panera Bread because Anthony threatened to dox a member of this sub that managed a Panera.


He did it, stupid.

Nah......he didn't.

That's fake.....ha nice try though

Oh, I get it now. You're an unfunny faggot with nothing to do.



All true baby. Nice try with the hate though.


Link? I seriously doubt it

Get fucked. Don't come here asking why people hate Ant and then just vehemently deny every reason people give. Your hero's a washed up peice of shit who lost track of what made him funny in the first place, get over it faggot.

Shhhh little man. Don't get mad I didn't fall for the fake video.


wow. That's a chopped up edited clip. Nice try though


No it's actually an uncut shot of Anthony talking from the Anthony Cumia show.

Looking highly uncomfortable & twitchy continuously looking at the 3 people in studio for validation. Pathetic.

No it's not. It's fake.

Yes he did you nubs, we're you here? No so shut the fuck up he answered your question

I don't have to be here to know he didn't do anything.... So HA i win

He did though it was on his show, you didn't even fucking watch it if you did you would know

You're whole shit is irrelevant you didn't watch the show you won't listen to us he fucking tried to DOX us that's why we turned

Well I say he didn't.....so ha


I reduced your argument to an emoji. So i win

Aside from his money, which who even knows how much he has, what is there to be jealous of? Here's some bullet points off the top of my head:

  • He is alone and almost 60

  • mooching dipshit brother

  • only friends are ass-kissers like Fred from Brooklyn and Steven Bayshore

  • has zero self-awareness

  • what little public notoriety he has is wrapped up in being known as a woman-beating racist

  • he's so thin-skinned that he needs to constantly block anonymous people on the internet

  • high school drop-out

  • silly and frivolous house that must cost a fortune in taxes/upkeep

  • gets obsessed and angry at politics 24/7

  • ugly as fuck

  • most of his fans hate him

  • alcoholic/xanax addiction

  • has to go to Woman Beaters Anonymous as part of a court-ordered program

  • has a tiny peckah

Who would be jealous of any of that?

shouldve add hes bald, watching him trying to keep his pube hair is funny

You. Because he still has more money than you.

Beating on women, racism, snizz addiction, etc

Is that your line in the sand?

It's cumulative. Even if he didn't do any of that I'd probably hate him for thinking he looks attractive.

Cumulative? You mean CUMIAlative!!!???

I'm going to go masturbate my mother with a handful of steel shavings now.

Thats actually very good.

What's snizz?


How would you use it?

Google it, daddy.

Tell me cutie

How do you use it?

How do you use it?

How do you use it?

Put a funnel in your pee hole and pour the Coke in.

I like to strech my hole open and put a rose stems in there.

Do you wish you lived at The Compound?

Who says I don't already?

Are you a 13 year old girl or an obese poker player?

I was on a poker chip....

So 13 year old girl?

It's that faggot Fred from Brooklyn.

Is that why no matter what people say he just denies that it's true even after asking for and receiving proof?

That wasn't proof. That was an edited clip

Sure it was.



Because we can.



Yeah you are. Ha, I win

I just bash him to fit in to this sub full of meanies

Fuck you faggot nobody cared about us when we were children and we are going to take it out on you.

One of the many reasons is that he got beat up by a hooker and then throws a little temper tantrum on Twitter like a 14yr old girl with a skinned knee. Yes, he had a fit on TWITTER, as a 65yr old man. Fuck that pock marked faggot

For 3 straight days.

What would you rather him do?

Have some fucking perspective.

Cause he's Anthony he's Anthony....

Get the papers, get the papers

We're all jealous of his above ground pool

You said it, not me.


Is that your line in the sand?

shouldve add hes bald, watching him trying to keep his pube hair is funny

You said it, not me.

You. Because he still has more money than you.

I don't have to be here to know he didn't do anything.... So HA i win

That wasn't proof. That was an edited clip