How much is Bro Joe making off this gig?

0  2016-09-12 by DasItMane99


Let's see... $10 per ticket, 3 bands. Let's assume each band has 4 members.
That would be 0.83 cents per band member. If all 33 people on that FB invite show up, they'll each make...

I bet Joe is getting Ant's share, though. So he's easily breaking a cool 50. HAHAHA you loser libtards couldn't dream of "that" kind of MONEY!

Don't forget that the club probably gets a piece.

Its gonna take some serious Opie math to work this one out.

*Opie a beautiful mind picture here *

Perhaps less than that...

I like how he dropped the original name "white hendrix" because it would be glaringly unbelievable

10$ for top 3 bands

You realize you aren't really those bands right?

Patchogue McDonald parking lot. There's an outlet behind the dumpster for you guys to plug in.

This is like when some trophy wife gets a "job" for 4 hours a week so they can say they contribute.

Its like when every wife in America sells "It Works!" on Facebook.

This stuff is just sad