I know it's been said before but I fucking hate this new Reddit layout

14  2016-09-12 by LindaSpringwood

Fucking big gay ass circular buttons making every thread look the same.


I'm gay.

I forgive you

Worst thing you could say about yourself, fezzie

i buy hard alcohol for schoolchildren

Hi Joe

... not in exchange for them spitting in my mouth

...for sexual reasons

... whatever you call having intercourse with prepubescents

I'm so sick of these insecure social media companies that feel the need to change shit all the time. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You see - this guy gets it.

Calm down Linda

I'm sorry. I've been under a lot of stress lately.

I know it's been said before but you're a huge disappointment to this family and I'm not sure who you are anymore

I lick cocks for fun but take it in the ass for money.


I use Reddit only on mobile and am grateful to have no clue what you are talking about.

Well laaaa dee daaa, Mr I-don't-suffer-so-I-don't-care.

Thanks big Linda

I am a big lady with roomy, child-birthing hips. Got a problem with that?

I bet you smell like a gross old lady... like someone's lonely Aunt, the scent of pubic musk, Salem cigarettes and cat dander.

Are you coming onto me?

This is the only place I ever see people complaining about it. Is the rest of reddit blind and stupid?

What new layout? It looks exactly the same to me.

Tsss layout? Why not standout? Tsss

There setting too turn off the fancy sub CSS

This is the first time in my life i have seen the words 'big gay ass circular buttons' in that order.

i dont mind it.....bettr than seeing the faggy reddit logo b4 every thread

Please don't say faggy. We have a gay man in the comments.

Oops Im sorry to disrespect you. I'll be more careful next time

I don't know what you're talking about. I never sucked a cock a couple of times.

Are you coming onto me?