I am not a violent man. But i want to chop Vic Henley's dumb face into cubes and force it down Opies mouth

3  2016-09-12 by Dennyislife


Opie went from surrounding himself with Anthony, Jim and Patrice to Vic Henley, Sherrod Small and Chris Distefano.

Good job, titties.

Lynsi has changed him.

Vic Henley strangled Pete Davidson's Dad before the towers were hit. Everything we know is a lie!

Whoa,settle down.Take deep breaths.

what the fuck is going on with alan thicc

he's like 80.

You know what will breathe life back into your flailing has-been radio show?

Another middle aged man whose biggest credit is opener on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

Isints Alans son blacklisted from hollywood now after pulling a Big Amy and stealing a song?

The thicke of it.


Dennyislife,I will hold that fucker down for you.I haven't listened to the show in along time.Today I did,Holy fuck that shit never shuts the fuck up.I always thought people hated him because of that hee haw accent.He's a know it all motherfucker. Tongue cancer might help......

I FUCKING HATE HIS FUCKING WORTHLESS UNFUNNY LOUD STUPID PIECE OF SHIT ASS. How the FUCK does nobody on the show see how fucking terrible and useless Vic Henley is? Seriously, how the fuck is this happening? I realize Opie is in full control of who is on the show and he does not have a fully developed sense of humor, but jesus christ, I thought he could at least sniff out dead weight on the radio when he hears it. How am I the only one who feels this way? HE IS FUCKING GOD AWFUL. IT'S LIKE A FUCKING PRANK SHOW. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.

I wish I had a Vic Henley in my life to agree with everything I said and validate anything that comes out of my mouth as either accurate or worthy of conversation. Maybe then I wouldn't be so hopelessly aware of what a piece of shit I am.

Holy fuck Alan Thicke was funny though. I heard him say he would try to make it to Florentine's ohio show and I was dying laughing.

When did Alan Thicke become a Harvey Keitel porcupine?