Haha Holy Shit, Bill Burr watches an MIA video about killing red heads. States they may have had a 'good' message!

4  2016-09-12 by [deleted]


I hate to judge someone I dont know but his wife doesnt sound like enjoyable company.

Ya, see my edit to my comment. (Sorry for my shitfuck reddit ability, i am new.)

oh i get it ... im supposed to realize because their white that treating people like this is wrong ... finally i have realized the err of our ways, next time the cops are "purging" a housing complex of downtrodden minorities i will speak out.

Exactly! See!


This is a message dedicated to all those whites who think shooting at people while forcing them to run through a mine field is okay.

Bill comes from an upper middle class family and married a nigress; he's always been this way.

Edit: 3:00 minutes in he says good idea. Its fucking pathetic. I used to LOVE Bill Burr, now his wife is brainwashing him with a whole bunch of fucked up shit. The ONLY reason i started listening to Opie and Anthony was because i searched 'Bill Burr' on youtube and a bunch of his appearances showed up with O&A. After that, i just started listening to the old O&A shows constantly. If it wasn't for the red-faced cunt i probably never would've listened!

Out of him enjoying a satirical music video, and your absurdly emotional and gay reaction to him enjoying said video, sorry lad but I'm taking his side on this one

Edit: also it's sad how triggered you are by one line he said. The video was funny, Jesus, just enjoy it


I'm not sure what it's trying to get across, because clearly it is set in some Middle Eastern or shitty third world country, so I guess it's about ethnic cleansing in other parts of the world? The metaphor makes no sense if applied to black people in the US, it's too hilariously over the top.

I mean if you wanna do that video just have whites being racially targeted by blacks and being forced to run through a mine field. You'd get the same message across.


I am a Ginger and my soul is blue. I was blown up in this video so now I am stuck on this 7th level of purgatory. The OnA sub.


Also, this is a six year old MIA video. If you're just discovering it now, you're very likely an old/lame person. Lame, as in literally crippled, because cripples are notoriously uncool.

Dont blame me bro, this shit was Trending yo.
