Can i say linking tweets from idiot comedians is the thing that will save this sub?

12  2016-09-12 by SWIMsfriend

between the shit we've said to Patton and Birbigs, i think we finally found a way to focus the energy this sub has


is it worth saving ?


I say yes!

I got into it with some hack nobody comedian over the weekend from the same camp as Alison Klump. This guy is like the antithesis of this sub: Pandering Jewish male feminist comic with 17k twitter bots following him despite between 20 to a few hundred views on his YouTube standup videos. Takes daring new stances on things like: "Christians are lame, feminism is important, weed is COOL!!" His bold comeback to me shitting on him was to attack the amount of twitter likes my comment got.

His 'stoner on the street' segment might be the hackiest faggot ass shit I've ever seen DUDEWEEDLOL420

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BRO! Did you see him maaaaaaaaaannnn! He was all stoned and shit dude man..... You just don't get the bit bro. He was all stoned and stuff and couldn't ask questions and the one other dude was stoned as well and was tripping man like bro dude.

he doesn't have twitter bots, but he does suck ass to be sure i could make him the next sjw "comedian" this week

It must be because he's following 10,000 people that he has any traction on twitter, because half of his YouTube videos are pushing a few dozen hits. This weird faggot also auto-followed everyone that I was following.

If anyone wants to run with it, feel free. He's got possibly the Jewiest face I've ever seen so maybe /u/cbanks420lol will give him a shoutout.

DUDE FEMINISM LMAO. Ugh he seems awful. I'll think of something.

Let me know when you figure it out.

Look at that smug idiot's face. UGGGGGGGHHHH

Be sure to check out my hacky weed themed podcast Cannaboiz Comedy Hour on iTunes. Can't wait to hear what a cuck-jewface-hack boy I am!


exactly, you need to make a post about that.

With all the spin people in hollywood are doing right now about hilary we will have lots of material for posts

idiot comedians

Is there any other kind?

Wait,Pattons's a comedian. I thought he was a general or sumptin tss tss.

Likely a better general than he ever was a comedian.

If by energy you mean deep desire for attention

Y'all are full of threats but it's been days and you haven't done shit to me. Fake pussies.

Hating comedians is what keeps me coming back, so I agree.

Most of us who aren't faggots are blocked by all these thin skinned betas so it actually makes the sub worse.

Way to aim high.

How about working on some material, then actually leaving your home and trying an open mic night? Or just say naughty things, knowing you can't be touched. Did NONE of you listen to the famous Bill Burr bit? You're a bunch of BROADS!!

Because being a comedian is a sad, shameful way to make a living and they deserve to be mocked. Honking like a seal for the approval of strangers and a few shekels tossed your way. Yuck

But an upvote from DennyPissLord, THAT is success

exactly, you need to make a post about that.

With all the spin people in hollywood are doing right now about hilary we will have lots of material for posts

he doesn't have twitter bots, but he does suck ass to be sure i could make him the next sjw "comedian" this week

Look at that smug idiot's face. UGGGGGGGHHHH

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BRO! Did you see him maaaaaaaaaannnn! He was all stoned and shit dude man..... You just don't get the bit bro. He was all stoned and stuff and couldn't ask questions and the one other dude was stoned as well and was tripping man like bro dude.

Likely a better general than he ever was a comedian.

Be sure to check out my hacky weed themed podcast Cannaboiz Comedy Hour on iTunes. Can't wait to hear what a cuck-jewface-hack boy I am!