Got a DUI... any advice, fellas?

0  2016-09-11 by [deleted]

Got a DUI last night- they handcuffed me in the car and everything. :( Live in Ontario - I was charged with driving over 80 milligrams of alcohol per one hundred (100) milliliters of blood.

Any idea on what to do? My license was suspended for 90 days, trial is in a few weeks. I figure you degenerates will have some advice.

I was DianaKurlan10, ThrowawayGirlLaLaLa and I_Hate_Knickers, btw, fellas.

Edit: Thanks for the advice, fellas. :)


Serves you right for using the metric system.


⬆️ Queer of the day.

I don't know the laws of Canada. But you should definitely lawyer up. Get a lawyer that specializes in DUI's. Hopefully you didn't talk to the cop during the arrest.

Plead not guilty and let your lawyer harangue a plea. The biggest mistake most people do with this is admit guilt right away. You'd be surprised at how many people get off or reduced because the test was flawed, or the chain of custody of the evidence was off. Something like probable cause will sometimes work too.


Keep drinking you haven't hit bottom yet

Oh course buddy get blacked out drunk tonight and hit the road. Remember you don't need a license to operate a vehicle.

Ramone, give this cunt community service.

I caught one in jersey. Coin-cider yourself lucky. Loss of liscence for 3 months. 3,000 in fines 5,000 lawyer fee Breathalyzer installed in car for 3 months 6 months of "classes" with fucking people on probation for other far worse shit.

Keep telling yourself at least you didn't kill yourself or anyone else. It sucks now but you'll get over it.

Go to an outpatient rehab before court. Judges like that shit, just ask Ant.

If his blood alcohol was really 80mg per 100ml of blood he definitely would be dead.

I can't convert that horseshit. I blew a 2.7.

You would be dead with that. .27 which is pretty fucking high itself. That's an "enhanced dui" here.

I'm alive to tell the tale. At least that's what the lawyer told me that was in the report.

It's believable, you just put the decimal in the wrong place. People stand a good chance of dying above .5

I never claimed to be smart.


"I was DianaKurlan10, ThrowawayGirlLaLaLa and I_Hate_Knickers, btw, fellas." Huh? You lost me at I_Hate_Knickers.

You should've showed him how you suck a guy's cock, showed him with your mouth.

Get a lawyer. Quit drinking completely (at least until you're out of the woods). Go to AA even if you don't like it, think it's stupid, etc. Just go. You'll meet a lot of charming fuck ups who turned their shit around. You'll get some good advice, legal and otherwise.

If you're deep into booze and you're risking withdrawal, I highly recommend tapering your drinking off to zero over the course of a week or so. I've come off booze a number of times, and all but one of those times was very uncomfortable (no sleep, hallucinations, terror, constant panic attacks... all that wonderful shit). I tapered off over the course of about a week, was down to zero drinks, and I didn't miss a single night's sleep, nor did I have any other withdrawal symptoms. This is only achievable if you can do it, really taper off. If you're just going to keep drinking, just quit cold turkey and strap yourself in for a little piece of Hell.

When you're past all of this shit, don't ever get behind the wheel once you've been drinking again, should you choose to take the hobby back up. Walk, call a friend, call a cab, or just stay the fuck home and drink. You got off light with a DUI. You could have accidentally got into a wreck and ended up in really deep shit, or worse, killed someone. Count your fucking blessings and get your shit straight for a while.

Like the Opster always says, I wish you nuthin' but the best.

I said "shit" far too many times in that post. I was trying to sound cool so you all would like me.


Stay home and drink


No we don't

If you get convicted for driving drunk here (UK) it makes it basically impossible to find reasonable insurance when you get your license back. Is it the same there?

How much you wanna spend on legal fees? And is it your first DUI?

If you don't want to spend any money on legal fees, enter a guilty plea and take your conviction, fine and suspension (6 mos to a year or more depending on if you have a history of other DUI's).

If you're willing to spend about 10k, get a good lawyer to negotiate a deal with the Crown where you can still drive, but with strict restrictions. Like you can only drive between 6 am and 6 pm so you can go to work or school. If you drive for a living, it might be the only way to keep your job.


That's what you get for getting out of the house.

You deserve it you dumb faggot. Having multiple accounts and shit.

don't get another one.




Also, call Jim Morton on Wednesday and ask him.

Get to AA meetings, MADD meetings and take a few hours of outpatient substance abuse classes before your court date.


Are duis expensive in Canada? Here it's fucking insane

And Canada doesn't let Americans who have duis in

Don't search for legal advice on a forum dedicated to dead radio show, retard.

Get a lawyer. You're entitled to a public defender, so there's no excuse. They'll tell you what to do.

Stop drinking.Go to rehab.get your guns back.that will be $30,000 us.

Spread vaseline on your butthole every morning when you wake up in jail. This will prevent tearing and please your daddy.

Wow, I live in ontario as well. You're fucked. 15K fine, license gone, you'll need to pay for an ignition interlock and pay for the calibration and there are only 2 insurance companies in ontario that will insure you, Premiums start at 6k a year.

Wow, yer fucked.


You are BAC 0.08 which is borderline driving under the influence in USA. They must of had to analyze several samples to get a mean of 0.08 meaning some are under 0.08 so there is an opening to question the test results. Get a lawyer and you should be able to beat this.

I blew .11

(might be a little late) Don't talk to the cops, don't admit guilt, tell them you want to talk to a lawyer. Can't stress enough about not talking to the cops.

In my experience, DUI lawyers frequently do little good, because they charge a flat rate. IE, they have a vested interest in getting you through the system as quickly as possible.

I had a friend who paid a DUI lawyer $10,000 and they didn't get her off.

I had another friend who simply defended themselves, and they DID get off. The second friends strategy was fairly simple, they pled not guilty and the prosecuting attorney offered them a plea bargain.

In the second case, there were two important factors:

1) they were only one percent over the legal limit

2) it was their first offence

Maybe if she wore some makeup or put the work in he would have got her off.

I'm certain there are good DUI lawyers.

She hired a cheap one, and she basically paid $10,000 to plead guilty.

Getting a plea bargain isn't rocket science - you show up to court, plead "not guilty", and if their case is weak, the prosecution will likely offer a plea deal.

I got the impression that the prosecution was more interested in getting a conviction on SOMETHING, rather than dragging the case out over weeks.

It was a comment about her vagina.

It's a fine one, I enjoy it


Maybe if you didn't force yourself to leave this subreddit just to attention whore, you wouldn't have been drink driving.

I have advice: DON'T DRINK & DRIVE!

You might spill your drink!