how did Ronnie B get to the point hes at now?

0  2016-09-10 by check_checkerson

i mean if you reach, say 250 pounds, wouldnt you start freaking out and start going to gym or whatever?


No way he is only 250. I'm 215 and he's a lot bigger than I am.

At the very most he's 5'5" though.

Edit: Listening to Ron and Fez, it's amazing that Fez was the younger, skinnier and taller one.

u still have lots of leeway, what i meant to say he shouldve do it 20 years ago when he hit 250. hes prolly half a ton now, adding the other fat slobs, chris stanley, fez and roland, the floor cant support that

Can you imagine what that studio smells like midway into the show?

i remember ppl said guests always ask why was the studio is so cold, can u guess why

I bet he never thought of that you fucking genius

he must be ingesting at least 5000+ cal a day to keep up with that chunky monkey fatness, a double down KFC sandwich is 560 cal, how many fried chicken is the fat fuck consuming a day?

Right on man

so fat, theres face for radio then theres obesity for radio

I thought we liked Ronnie B

we need to shit on him more, hes in his safe space talking about best cheese burger or whatever with his unfunny daughter, and every fans is crying over ronnie b's greatness. hes turning into a sweaty obese opie and we need to put the stop to that. at least opie didnt put any of his retarded family on sxm's payroll


Ron's always been beefy. He dropped the hard partying in the late 90's, and probably replaced that hole with food. Add to that that his kids are grown, and he doesn't have too many outside interests, and you can see how the pounds start adding on quickly.

Also, he's quietly mentioned being on (probably cortico) steroids a couple of times in a non joking way, and those can cause havoc with people's weight through bloating, etc.... Jerry Lewis being a famous example.

so many excuses, i dont see vos or jim getting as giant as him, he should get on a treadmill in a non joking way, or at the very least stop drinking mayo from the jar

Ronnie B is above reproach. Gail is talented and beautiful. I will hear no more of this

Cheese steaks 5× a day for 10 years.

more like cheese steaks 10x a day


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Coke, cigars and Opie.


He might consider getting back on smack.

he should consider getting back on the treadmill

do u think he ever talks back to the doctors when they tell him to stop eating? hes the kind of "street smart" person that would say shit like "doctors are dumb its all guess work"

I'm sure he's got Fez's cardiologist number.