FX Cancels ‘Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll’ After Two Seasons

79  2016-09-10 by [deleted]



Oh no.

I hope Bobby doesn't get all depressed and fat.

I hear the next season of "My 600 lb Life" is casting.


Nah Blob Kelly is cool

Denis Leary is literally the only comic I genuinely hate, fuck him.

Nothing made me happier than watching Giraldo shit on him on Tough Crowd

Even though he was already dead nothing made Bill Hicks happier either

Aw come on, he played a damn good Green Goblin.

You don't like his cool rocker persona and teased hair?

He sat down and said "Give me the Hillary Clinton."

Smug dickhead, through and through. More importantly, unfunny.


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

That's not right. Surely you genuinely hate Fat Piggy, too? Jamie Kilstein is deserving of genuine hate... Leary can't be the only one.

Hey didn't ha hear he is from BOSTON?!


Good news everyone! In its place FX just green lit Sex&Drugs&HeavyMetal starring Jim Breuer as a hard rocking Christian dad trying to balance a wacky family life and devil worshiping thrash metal. Guest stars James Norton as groupie #3 and Gregory Hughes as concert attending shoulder sitting titty flasher.

I'd watch a sitcom about a devil worshipping thrash metal band. Why not?


You may want to update your post there. Word is lil' Jimmy's part got cut as usual.

good it sucked, and came out 15 years past when any of the music shit was accurate or relevant

Not even, it was never relevant, just all imagined as "real legit (dad) rock" from within the sphere of Leary's stupid basic STONES4EVER tastes, which just so happened to be generic bar band schlock masquerading as a profoundly out of touch middleager's idea of hardcore punk. The idiotic blend of mainstream and personal friend namedropping was grotesque.

The single way to tell which fictional songs were supposed to be "good" versus laughably bad was only by how the characters reacted in the scene, as all the original music was cringegasmic.

real legit (dad) rock

The Brew man already dominated that genre of music this year anyways

Jesus, I could have gone without being reminded of that. Also, The Brew man? Fuck you

I'm a Brew man fan and we call ourselves the Brewmen.

Look, you are attacking the fan base here. They think all rock music is the coolest and has to be hard to be good. No other music can be heard and no other music past 1991 is acceptable unless said artists started before Nirvana. The latest movie references are from 1996 with Independence Day.

Im off to listen to Ozzy while i anally leak into my KISS boxers while reading a book errrr um article about Godfather because books are for faggots.

Now Bobby can finally let himself go and start eating. He'll go from a svelt 400 pounds to a healthy 550, in no time.

This is what I don't understand about Bobby he always talks about trying to create healthy habits around his newborn so his son doesn't have to grow up in a bad situation like he did but I guess those healthy habits don't include a healthy diet

He's pretty open with how hard it is since he quit everything else, Bobby owns it and is self aware, which is way more than most people.

Bob Kelly claims he's under 300 lbs

You forgot a zero, sir.

He's short though isn't he?

They're all weirdly short.

Now just imagine when his wife FINALLY files for divorce and he loses his kid on top of this. This will be the final fat. Poor bawby.

Producers for the program said actor Robert Kelly caused the production's budget to balloon to over a million an episode. "We had 24 hour catering. He would sit alone and inhale everything our chefs prepared. They called him Kirby."

Dennis Leary is such a nigger but I love Bobby so idk how to feel

Leary wanted Bobby to be as fat as possible for the roll. So be happy that this could save Bobby's life. NO SUGARS OR GRAINS DUDE!


*dinner roll

I torrented the first season, watched 5 minutes then deleted the folder.

I watched a bit on youtube, Leary is in some office and electrocutes himself by plugging his guitar into his amp... it was just too retarded.

come on thats a hiLARIOUS bit, maan! don't you get it? he just wants to rock out with is amp, but he gets ELECTROCUTED! haha these guys..

It's so annoyingly retarded because I think I know where he got the idea and it just wouldn't happen in the time and place he is.

Back in the 60s and 70s before everyone had the whole massive show in the middle of a field thing figured out there where many technical issues with powering all the audio and lighting equipment with shitty generators and occaionally people on stage would get an electric shock from some mistake. The whole Van Halen "brown M&M" thing was to make sure the people read all the instructions because they had a lot of technical demands to put on their show and if they weren't followed the show could get cancelled or someone could get hurt.

Leary is in a fancy office in a modern building with only one amp (and other regular fixtures, like lights and computers), it just wouldn't happen.

He is so oldschool rock, even the equipment failures are oldschool!

It's a clever tidbit for us cool old rocking dads "in the know", so we can share a secret laugh, and the "kids" and "squares" can also laugh because it's just a funny scene!

Yeah rock on Leary, Go you own way!!

I saw 2 minutes of the episode the daughter dyked out with the black chick. They somehow made that unsexy.

It was not a good show. It wasn't very funny, it wasn't realistic & most of the show felt like Denis Leary's rock&roll jerkoff fantasy. Especially when u compare it to the high quality of FX programming it did not deserve to be renewed. Maybe it could've lasted if it was on TBS or TNT or some shit, but FX has a standard

I watched half an episode this season and it had nothing going for it. I wanted to stick out the episode for bobby, but Denis Leary is so fucking pompous and abnoxious

Denis Leary is so fucking pompous and obnoxious

Got to love how Leary's character would make comments about how hot his daughter is just so the audience knew "If she wasn't his daughter, they'd totally be fucking".

the whole show was set-up like this. Leary is this genius who is just fucked up all the time cuz he's a rock & roll legend. And when he's down & out, it turns out he has a hot daughter that not only can sing but also has an unlimited bank account & wants to use the money to get his band back together. It's so shameless. it's such a blatant masturbation fantasy

Donald Trump did it better.

He's so shmarmy, dude.

he just reminds me of a spoiled little boy and he's almost 60 years old

abnoxious ???


& the only celebrity they could get is Campbell Scott. I bet most viewers didn't realize Campbell Scott is a real person & just thought he was a fictional character.

I don't know who that is. I did see Joan Jett in a 3 second probably accidental cameo before I purged it from my DVR forever, though.

Oh I was talking about the 2nd season

Greg Dulli only loves Leary for his money.

Rescue Me was super self indulgent too but at least that show was watchable for the first couple of seasons.

Yea, for the first few seasons. Then it became horrible. I think I read it was cuz one of the show runners left (Peter Tolan -who worked on Larry Sanders)

Bobby's next big role is going to slathered in vanilla icing at Cinnabon.

I dunno what this means, but I'd watch it

First Finer Things with Mike Finoia, now this. I wonder what mediocrity is getting axed next?

Opie Radio


tss sex&drugs&peckas amirite guys? tss

lol, good. Denis Leary CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!

I gave it a shot. Couldn't make it through an entire episode. I find it amazing that such a poorly written show managed to get on the air. I guess FX can't get enough of Dennis Leary.

The only cool thing about the show is that Greg Dulli of the Afghan Whigs wrote some of the songs used for the fictional band.

Well, that's great for the seven people who know/care about the Afghan Whigs.

The Afghan Whigs are one of my favorite bands. Dulli's Twilight Singers stuff is great too.

I like their album Black Love more than Gentlemen and think it's one of the best albums of the 90s.

1965 is the best

Yeah I love that one too. Listen to it all the time.

Judging by upvotes, there's at least 14 of us, sir.


Too bad those songs all sucked and Dulli wrote them in 5 minutes while taking a shit.


Anyone with a strong connection to o&a aside form Louis CK and Bill Burr are destined to be failures.

The only thing Leary has a strong connection to is Bill Hicks' notebooks.

Mehhh I'm still holding out hope that Louis will catch a media hammering over the jerking off thing, and that Burr's girlfriend will finally be unable to keep holding back thousands of years of genetic disposition and kills Burr in a fit of savagery

At least Louis likes him, he'll be alright.

I hope this means more time for Sister Ping.

Dude i'm fuckin' unemployed dude...

I found this gem in the comments section:

Why is it, every time there is a good show on TV today, it gets cancelled? Sex, Drugs, & Rock & Roll was a good show, can another channel get it & keep it going? There’s so much reality TV today, it’s sickening, what is happening to the good old fashion scripted shows? Where are they? I would like to watch them!! Stop cancelling them on every channel they are on!!

Spoiler alert, it was Mike Finoia projecting.


Let's head on down to Finny's pub and I'll introduce...oh no.

You know that fag is at least 48.

You can't fake rock and roll, or the lifestyle, on television or in movies. It always comes off completely douche-chilly.

It's like Opie trying to do radio.

You only have two ways you can go, and they both suck. If you use original music, that music is going to be terrible. If you use classic songs, we all know who wrote and performed them, and it's not who's on the screen, so it will inevitably ring hollow and look and feel completely wrong.

I just watched a trailer for this shit show, and Leary looks like a complete douche on stage, and everywhere else. I don't know how this shit got made in the first place.

Any clips with Blobby in 'em?


Jesus Christ! This horseshit ran for two seasons?!

p.s. Love ya' Bobby.

RIP Bob Kelly

Reading that viscerally made me say "haha" out loud to myself.

Never heard of it and never will watch it. Dennis Leary is comedy cancer. Watch the scene in Demolition Man where they let him do his standup/social commentary in a sewer for Stallone. Even back in 1993 his douche chills were on screen.

Thanks to whoever posted suggested the 1993 Afghan Wigs album Gentlmen. I gave it a listen and it's great.

am i too late for the bobby kelly is going to get fat jokes? this is good for bobby. hes going to have to tighten his belt.

Yeah! Around his neck! Give me ribs to put my elbow in!

I never watched it but there's no way it was good, right?

Bobby and the skinny guy they put in scenes together were funny. Rest was attempted cool by the joke thief.

Who cares about 'Rock n Roll' anymore except Florentine and Jimmy!

Scorcese couldn't make a rock series work on HBO, what hope did Leary have!!

I never seen it. Guy that adds nothing.

Looked hack. Had zero buzz. Never saw a single episode. Hopefully for Bobby's sake his next series makes it to syndication. I thought he was good at acting on Louie.

Bobby is the only decent actor in the bunch, better that louie on his show.

I was rooting on the show to keep going because of Bawby, but I couldn't get through two episodes before I canned it. Absolutely horrid!

Not even Liz Gillies' awesome tits could get me through more than 5 minutes of an episode. Complete shit.

That show was so terrible. I watched the first season just because of Bob Kelly but he was in maybe 3 minutes each episode. Leary is the worst actor I've ever seen.

That shit was trash but I still feel bad for Bobby.

Leary should stick to firemen, he did a much better job writing about them.

I tried to like the show. I've liked a lot of stuff Leary has done, but the show was dreck. It was a fantasy of what someone not in the music business thinks what being in a band is like, but all of the bad, and none of the good - and a lot of shit that just doesn't happen.

The reality is, rock and roll behind the scenes is pretty fucking boring. Everyone thinks it's like Almost Famous, when the reality is more Spinal Tap.

I guess it's time for Denis to hang it up. Nobody wants another "Guy from Boston who fucked up, but gets a second and third chance because he's funny and has a heart of gold" show from him. He did the "I wanna be a fireman!" fantasy, now he did the "I want to be a rock star" fantasy. Maybe next he can do "I wanna be an astronaut!" and blow up on the launch pad.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I feel bad for Bobby, but this show was not good

I only watched the first episode. Feel bad for Bobby but at the same time I never liked the idea of that character. Drummers are all crazy man! Their personalities are just like how they play! Yecch. And that name. Fuck that godawful name. I can't even type it.

There is a god. If Leary wasn't attached to this project it would've never been greenlit. The fact that it was given a second season baffled me. It was a horrible hacky piece of shit. The music was horrible, the hack character names like Johnny Slash...eww. Nobody gives a shit about rock star hijinks anymore. If anything this will finally be the nail in Leary's career coffin.

poor bwawbby


That thud you heard was an emptied 5 gallon Baskin-Robbins tub

dropped by Blobby Jelly. I-I mean Kelly.

Thank you....I believe there is a God....Now God make them bring back the Bridge

dassabesso just a fail and quittin

I can't believe it lasted 2 seasons

Aw poor Bobby

Denis should stick to playing alcoholic cop/ fireman.


But it had such a clever title though...


Watched first season, then the premier of the second and realized how boring the show was. Have the rest of the season on DVR, should just delete it at this point. I thought the show was going to be a lot better. It was people mainly sitting around talking with little to no comedy. Girl was hot tho.

I do give Bawby credit for acknowledging that this was not going to last forever and downplaying any sort of money that he made from it. He's a good dude and I think more financially savvy than his peers.

Great now Blobby can go back to eating his hearty oil drum of ice cream and a palate full of cheese cake .

Great news!

O&A talked about Leary being a joke stealing scumbag, stupid Bob Kelly maybe was in the room too ( not sure ).

Fast forward a couple years, stupid Bob in the same room saying how great Leary was and everything he does is amazing, blowing smoke up his ass with not a single ounce of self-awareness.

He even had Learys son - the producer - in his dogshit podcast (only funny when either the Rican, Joe List or Norman is on) and did the exact same thing for almost 2 hours.

Fuck stupid Bob Kelly, that barrel of insecure ignorant self-importance mixed with jealousy for not having a career like Burr.

Then O&A threw Louis under the bus by going along with Leary's "He is just making shit up for publicity." And Opie wonders why he acted cold towards him when he finally came back on once.

They did the same shit when Mencia was on.

Mencia's visit (I only remember one) was really annoying. I remember him telling Jim "that's gonna be great for you" about a special he had coming out. It was during the height of Mind of Mencia and he came off really condescending.

Wtf really? I dont remember this, do you know when that was? Lou's story was way too detailed and specific to be made up.