Norm's podcast is returning on the 19th, an episode or two will be released next week.

19  2016-09-09 by FrunkisOA


Can we be nice to him please fellas? He's literally our last hope

That ol' chunk of coal isn't going to be getting any shit from me, that's for sure

Norm is one of the goodfellas. Probably Paulie.

Anyone who's mean to him will get a big deep dickin'.

Wait, that won't work ...

Making the fans wait until the 19th? This guy sounds like a real jerk

Beginning of the conversation in case you assholes don't believe me.

I don't know what a JASH is but I'm happy Norms coming back.

All I know is Norm said JASH sounded like a buncha commie gobbledygook.

That's that nigga shit

Did you decide against blocking Kristen's name because she's a woman and therefore unworthy of compassion

It was a public forum, but I guess yeah... fuck her


can't wait to give this shit the Harry Connick show treatment