"since we won't be live for the 9/11 anniversary, let me take a moment to say the Jews were responsible for it and the Holocaust never happened" Gregg "Opie" Hughes (9/9/16 live thread)

50  2016-09-09 by FrunkisOA

Pete Davidson, Colin Jost, Vic Henley and Jim Jefferies scheduled.

Strap in kids.

This was just tweeted, then deleted by @opieradio, once I clicked the link it was gone and wasn't able to screen shot. Tasteless. http://m.imgur.com/34Bz1VR

Opening the show with the Johnny Cash cover of "Heart of Gold," obviously alluding to the fact that all Jews care about is money, maybe one of the more clever and let's be honest, daring, opening song choices for the Opester.

(I'm on a 4 minute delay due to the app)

7:07 Me: "Me and Vic Henley were just babbling and not ready for the song to end." VIC HENLEY AND I GREGG

7:08 Me: "I never thought it was fair the prisoners in San Quentin had such great seats." (to see Johnny Cash)

Vic with some useless tidbit about some prisoner that was there.

Me: "that's the beauty of the internet, let's see where we can go with this" the Opester is getting a little excited.

7:11 Me: "armed robbery, that isn't that bad, is it Vic?"

7:13 Me: "I'm always amazed at people that fuck (a good opportunity) up" shots fired?

(Killing some time with another Johnny Cash song)

Opie just sounds happy he has someone, anyone... to talk to.

7:18 Me: "it was a fun show yesterday... We stepped up and made it work!" I think he actually believes this.

Vic Henley is an unamusing and considerably less likeable Cliff Claven "it's a little known fact..."

Opie keeps calling Charles Manson, Marilyn... Has to be corrected by Vic. Then we get a return of the "Opie Twitter voice"

7:24 Me: "didn't get a chance to see the end of the game last night.." when have you ever done show prep Opie?

7:26 Vic "Oklahoma had a kicker in the 70's..." Did they? Then, I shit you not, "teams need a hero, not a zero" ew

7:28 Me: "the defense was really why they won that game..." That's what you say when you just want to sound like you kinda know what your talking about, not fooling me tits.

7:29 Vic talks about Auburn, like 98% of the country gives a fuck

thirty minutes in, not one joke, amusing anecdote, or even a "bit" a lot of laughing though, which is making me unreasonably angry.

7:33 Still talking about Auburn... Now talking about his Mom's relationship with football.

7:34 Vic "my mom still drives..." Remember when Bill Burr said the same thing about his grandmother? Sigh

7:36 Me: "I've never seen a color combination (on a car) I didn't like"

7:38 Still talking about his mom and football, this is something you tell a family friend not an audience of hundreds.

Sounds like one of the comedians already dropped out, Jefferies is still coming in.

7:40 Me: "I really like Jim's gun control material" passive aggressive cunt

9/11 mattress commercial, sure to be followed by comedic gold

7:42 Me: "when she's done with her shpiel" (just a nod, in Yiddish)

7:44 Me: "they want to kill fatty," then Vic does a little improv character and totally kills it! (He doesn't)

7:46 Vic: "Auschwitz mattress sale..." Just a coincidence I'm sure

Jim Jefferies in studio, maybe it'll get better.

7:48 Me: "Ohhhhh. Myyyyyy. Gawwwd." Twenty years of radio

Jim Jefferies is telling a story about Roland trying to fuck a chick... Okay, I'm interested

7:51 Roland asked Jim Jefferies to call a woman's son that he was trying to fuck (I assume the woman) that was smoking pot, and tell him not to, so he could get laid.

7:54 Me: "wait, wait" almost a HOLD ON HOLD ON

7:56 Me: "me and Anthony" ANTHONY AND I (twenty years of public speaking)

Big laugh about pedophiles, another mention of the Holocaust... Vic has to jump in during maybe the first laugh (by Jefferies) with "...i like it!" Good, glad you did, Vic

8:01 strap in, ME: "her mole has a moon!" Dead. Silence. He never dissapoints

*First Break*

No one should start off their day like this.

*And we're back!*

Pete Davidson and Colin Jost are in.

8:18 Me: "we were going to wait for you (Pete) but we just couldn't, it was too good!" No Opie, you ran out of shit to talk about, of course you wait for him to come in.

The way Opie just said "world star" with "hip-hop" at the end... Holy shit

8:23 Opie went for a joke, barely, went about like you'd expect.

Now talking about Ann Coulter

8:25 more laughing at nothing by Vic

8:27 not surprisingly, no one likes Ann Coulter in studio.

8:31 Opie breaking down women and men's sense of humors. Brilliant. (It's not)

8:33 caller... Saying nonsense, Pete "WHY DID WE NEED TO HALT AND TAKE THIS CALL"

Opie trying to defend himself, saying the call screener put something different.

8:35 caller... a real regular Joe, anyone would have cut him off by now... Opie's trying to salvage taking the call

Cuts off Opie, keeps rambling, Opie takes it.

8:38 Jefferies "I watched 11 seasons of the Apprentice I gave him a chance" ugh, he's better than this

8:40 Jefferies and Pete say they like Obama, ME: "but he sucks at basketball"

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Playing some trailer about Obama and Michelle's first date. Jefferies is carrying the room so far. Only one good line so far by Pete...

8:47 Jefferies is saying how he'd like to see Bill as the first man, the original comedic stylings of Jim Jefferies

8:48 Jost tells a confusing anecdote, it bombs horribly

Kangaroo talk!

8:50 Australia is crazy! Right guys?!

Almost to the second break, I had a small hope Jefferies and Davidson would at least be interesting, I was wrong. If anything happens of any significance the last hour I'll post it here. I wouldn't count on that happening.



That name is so Jewish I though it was fake.


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

A lot


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

Roland is trying to get laid? Did I read that correctly?

i think hes trying to fuck the kid


Oh, that is gross.

"I really like Jim's gun control material"

I had to look that up and the link I clicked on was for an Indianapolis paper

You have guns because you like guns. That’s why you go to gun conventions, that’s why you read gun magazines. None of you give a shit about home security. None of you go to home security conventions, none of you read 'Padlock Monthly'.

What? He couldn't be wronger. Security systems and cameras are big business in America. Whoever told comedians that they're all philosophers and whatever comes out of their mouth is gold needs hanged. Be funny, you high school dropouts.

Roland trying to use Jim Jeffries to get a kid off drugs to get him laid.

What a fucking mess.

It was pretty good once Jeffries, Davidson, and Jost got there. Jim and Pete had a lot of good lines, and they had a pretty solid little run on talking about how torture was for pussies. Jost did a good job chiming in every now and then. Overall the second half of the show was actually entertaining, and a complete opposite of the entire boring shitfest yesterday.

Opie demanded 9/11 off to celebrate. He found out it was a Sunday after the fact but still escalated the issue multiple times with SXM management.

so hes clearly angling for the reunion with Ant with this type of language to butter him up

Opie claims to hate reddit, but gets most of his material from here. The 9/11 mattress commercial was posted to /r/videos just yesterday.

you think Opie gets the material? It's people like trav dog who get it all when not browsing the sub.

The amount of time you put into this is fucking astounding.

OP - If you hate it so much, why do you listen? Life is too short to be that angry.


I like how the dumb faggot who made the text for the "we are the Jews" macro did a find-and-replace to change "am" to "are" (presumably it went from "I am" to "We are").

Sadly, he didn't check the final version, so it claims that DA JOOZ are responsible for "NareBLA".

You'd think he'd be more careful about the name of NAMBLA when it fought so hard on behalf of his dad and uncles.


Dumb faggot detected.

Not wrong, but we like him a lot more than you.

That's pretty easy, as I don't like him at all.

It's charitable of you to like dumb faggots, though. Congrats!

Wait, when you say 'him', do you actually mean le happy merchant?

Your phone was breaking up, what?

Thank you for making me feel included.

Fucking jew

Fucking NAMBLAphile.

Why do you kikes have to ruin everything? :(

It wasn't me or the kikes, it was shitty editing skills that ruined this.


"Dumb faggot" was a fuckin callback, you civilian piece of shit! It's a part of the CRAFT!

You're not going to be able to talk yourself out of this one

Fuck! Shut it down!

Also, great fan fiction OP, faggot.

Thanks Friend-O!

Yeah, well the jerk store called, and they said they're all out of patience with regard to your mother, because she's a filthy whore who won't stop attempting to sell her diseased asshole for crack cocaine directly outside their place of business. So there.

Why do (((you))) and your brethren hate America?

Dumb faggot detected.

Fucking NAMBLAphile.