When will Ant kick out Joe?

0  2016-09-09 by Bandits82

You can't expect him to live forever with his brother and the nipple-twisting that goes on there.


Why bother at this point, Joes like 80 and Ants gonna die soon of chronic alcoholism.

Fast forward ten years from now, "Hello welcome to Walmart. We currently have a deal on ribs."

"And please upvote my urbandictionary entry about Hillarrhea heh heh. Rawk on bud heh heh".

I doubt he'd even be a good at that.

Haha and later on he's outside smoking a cigarette on his fourth 20 minute breaking bitching about how the current president is too much of a nigger to give him health insurance.

Around the same time your mom kicks you out of her house.

Never. Childhood Treehouse Pacts are set in stone for life.

Pretty sure after their return performance as Rotgut tanks this month, Joe will have tapped Ant's goodwill.