Nice /pol/ post on Pig 1 and Pig 2

6  2016-09-09 by jackassinjapan


Who do you think gets more yeast infections?

I'm guessing Dunham, she doesn't look like she showers as often as she should. She also seems like the type of lady who'd finger herself right after devouring a family size bag of Cheetos.

I can only imagine how musty her bush is right now. Tropical rainforest in her panties.

I got a whiff of what it must smell like today. I gave my house a good sweep and mopping last week and when I was done I was so tired that I just tossed the mop head over a fence post behind my shed and forgot about it. It sat there for a week, unrinsed, drying in the sun, getting wet again in the rain, drying out, mold growing. I went behind my shed today for something and caught the rank musty, moldy odor and realized what I had done. That is what I imagine Lena's pussy smells like.

Amy probably has a pussy that smells like goat cheese, stagnant water and moldy bacon.

Nah, she's got a PR company behind her. They'll flood the blogs with positive stories, and then maybe have her adopt a gay Muslim refugee kid or something. Lena Dunham might not make it though

Never got into 4chan unless I could use the dummies...I'm too old to like Japanimation or the sad culture surrounding it. You might say I missed the boat.

Do you buy the accounts or grind them out?

work on your cropping
