Holy shit, "Brother Joe" is almost up to 50,000 upvotes on Urban Dictionary now

54  2016-09-08 by Ant_Sucks


I just uploaded this K1bbler pic there to be used for the definition and it says it's under review. Maybe if enough people upload it they'll add it.

Haha, that's awesome. I never saw that one before. So many nice details.

the pic is up, its awesome, good job, wow

I like that

Gold !

It's up now

I think it only shows it if you uploaded it. I see it too, even in private browsing, but in a VPN or archive.is it isn't there.

I didn't upload it.

According to this Quora post, the definition with the most upvotes is "sex". That article is from 2012. Checking on "sex" now, you'll see that it has a shade under 300,000 upvotes.

Meaning, "Brother Joe" is 1/6 of the way to being the most upvoted definition on Urban Dictionary. My logic and internet sleuthing skills are flawless, do not attempt to prove me wrong.



Advanced memetics

Do you think Anthony secretly thinks this Brother Joe stuff is funny? I can't imagine, no matter how close they are, that he doesn't have some resentment for having to give his money away. This is a man who loses his mind paying taxes & having to make payments to his Ex

He doesn't mind giving his money away if it's going to people who also hate niggers.

I think at first Tranth didn't care much but I guarantee once he got fired it had to become a sore spot.

I hope to god Joe still doesn't mooch off him now. I wouldn't be surprised if 2U shows bring in more $ than TACS

how the fuck did we get 50,000 upvotes? This sub has only like 3k active members

It's a funny term. It's simple, catchy, and something to which many people can relate. I bet lots of people are randomly browsing UD and coming across it and voting because they're like "Ha, my brother is totally a Brother Joe!"

I want to live in a world where Brother Joe becomes part of the lexicon, if just for a brief moment.

Stupid Urban Dictionary doesn't do any real checking for multiple votes from one person. Even when you have the same IP address you can vote again every few hours.

Someone should actually start selling brother joe mugs

Oh wait you can actually buy them lol

I would buy it if it didn't cost twice as much a coffee mug is supposed to.

It looks like one of the spiteful gremlins amongst us has been buying upvotes on fiverr

I think it's pretty basic to write code for an 'upvote bot' which is much more likely

You think it's pretty basic to write code? Do you write code?

A lot of people are engineers. Its not that hard to write code for an upvote bot if that's your job.

I'm an engineer and write code all day. I don't have a clue how to do something like that. Doing script kiddie shit like faking mouse clicks and IP addresses is not the purview of actual programmers.

Its pretty easy to do in Python from what I've heard. Im not an engineer and only use SQL so I know fuck all about creating bots personally.

I'm a programmer by trade and I can tell you it's fairly simple. Who ever did it probably just rerouted their IP to the back door in visual basic and there you go 50k up votes.

you just install anti virus on your computer and you are good to go

To write code for an upvote bot/spam bot*


seems you can vote every day (or something like that, every time this is posted, i vote again) and i hoped i could just use a quick imacro script to vote for it over and over, but it was IP based, not cookie/cache. cleared both and tried in a new browser and still wouldnt let me.

either way, someone found a way and i think them for their service. (maybe joe was right and there is an urban mod who really doesnt like him)


So is someone buying upvotes or was this featured somewhere and people are legit upcoming it not getting the reference?

Edit: I just upvotes it again after learning you could vote everyday and by the time I did it already jumped 90 votes.

I wonder how many black guy loads it would take to fill 'Brother Joe's' cup. I know he's thirsty as fuck...

He has succeeded in his failure.