Old bits you can still revisit

7  2016-09-08 by Dennyislife

Currently re-listening to the bra bombing recap. Still one of the greatest radio bits ever.


All things Scorch.

Lady Di Internship is great.

I'm a fan of anything Bobo related.

The Supershow but I wish they would have stomped on that fat piece of shit Marion more. Jesus Christ she's annoying.

Erock Jingle but I can't find the one where it was the O&A Audio Contest. I wanna hear them listening to Erock Army for the first time.

F you ABU, we hate you!

Anything Opie was out of studio for. Cherry Darts with Colin Quinn was a great show.

Bobo gets his heart broken.

Jocktober, Tony Danza show, Leonard from McDonalds, Joe Piscopo are a few I enjoy still

Colour of the day. Color if you're a former colony