Horribly unfunny people at roast gets posted to /r/cringe, that one lispy retard was one of the judges for the event.

3  2016-09-08 by RocketeerJones


These kids get up on stage with nothing to say, get a few polite chuckles and then go home and call themselves comedians for the rest of their lives.

Standup comedy is fucking gay

I watch these roast battles involving mostly nobodies on their youtube channel from time to time. Some of them are pretty good. I saw this one the other day and it was by far the worst one I've seen yet, and there were some real stinkers.

The guy was making it worse by only staring at his notes, he tried telling every joke word for word. I felt like I was watching a child give a presentation the didn't prepare for. Does Voss judge there regularly?

Vos, bonnie, Big Jay, Aaron Berg, Mark Normand, Joe list and generally people around that level tend to be the Judges. Vos is there a lot it seems. Luis is always the host. Most of them bring notes up (or use their phone) actually, but you can tell who actually practiced a little beforehand and probably wrote most of their own shit. The off the cuff comebacks are usually the best stuff but they don't happen that often.

I personally dont see the entertainment value in these...its just a few nobodies going back and forth throwing out random references saying "you look like ______ with syphillis" and it could pretty much be said about anybody...youre better off watching old grindtime rap battles...they are way funnier the jokes make way more sense and theyre delivered funny since they rhyme...way better than this crap

Some of the good ones tend to get pretty personal, not just "you look like an X that Y" jokes. The ones that aren't good are definitely a waste of time though.

This one was decent IIRC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nFbYTyqod4

I watch all of these roasts on their you tube page. They are usually very funny.

Oh damn that Jackson Pollack joke. "If this joke works I'm gonna get so much hipster puss."

Beanshhhhhh...She has amazing legs. I would eat them up like august corn on the cob!

The best part of these roasts typically are the judges shitting on the roasters. The exceptions are when they actually have strong writers on stage like Amico.

Please keep hipsters away from comedy stages

competitive comedy is pretty cringey in general