Young Pete cancelled

12  2016-09-08 by Dennyislife

So did Sherrod. So did Chris Destfino.

Opie is left with Erock and Roland


He's fighting for his fucking life today.

Hope he loses.

This sounds like a show that could be so bad it might be worth listening to for that alone.

I've been chronicling it so far:

It definitely has a car crash quality to it.

dont listen to the try hard with the top kek lingo and shitty meme name, you did us all a favor. we wanted a recap and didnt want to take the bullet and listen. thank you for your service.

If that low level banter was any issue to me there is no way I could survive here for more than a few days. I'd be hanging out in r/funny all day laughing at Garfield jokes.


not so much chronicaling as a pathetic public display of autismic half wittery

No need to be upset homie.


I'm not down with all the cool kid lingo so I don't know what that means.

if you wanna know, I'm sure your fat ass is glued to your computer chair 18 hours a day, google it nignog

I never said I wanted to know, it might hurt my feelings like all of your other cutting comments.

just stop. I can't possibly be the first and only person to tell you that you fucking stink.

I am fully aware that I stink sir.

last word.

0 for 7 in this thread alone. ouch.

edit. added more. damn you fucking suck

I'm devastated.

the fact that you're actively clicking the downvote button is as pathetic as your autistic unfunny show "chronicle."

Kill Your Self Please.

Settle down, OK?

OK faggot what's next

Two fat tits and Erock and Roland


Roland is a worthless tub of shit.

Is Roland special,seriously?

1.8 million years of raqio experience, still can't string together back to back minutes of remotely interesting radio.

I'm not down with all the cool kid lingo so I don't know what that means.