You guys play any good PC games lately?

3  2016-09-08 by [deleted]

I tried starting a conversation on /r/games but the cocksucking bot removed my post for some fucking reason. I don't want to hear what those queebs like anyway. Any of you play anything good lately? I got the new DOOM game finally and it's really good.


You'll probably say this is qweeb, possibly even qway, but I play the living shit out of Cities Skylines & the Planet Coaster alpha. I'm still playing the Fallout 4 DLCs as they come out, but I mainly just do base building there.

My attention span doesn't permit me to play those games where you have to design shit. Are the DLC's cool? FO4 was much better than I expected. I hated 3 and thought New Vegas was good, but a bit tedious with the inventory management and everything. Plus I played it on FO3, so the load times were a bitch.

They're pretty good. I'm just now playing Nukaworld and liking it. It and Far Harbor give you really nice big maps to explore. I think the game is good, but I'm starting to wonder if the series has passed me by. sniff burp It's great, but the story mode is starting to feel like busy work to me.

I'm too retarded to do anything creative with all the workshop and settlement shit. I'm taking the Commonwealth w/ Raiders one settlement at a time. Killing Preston Garvey last will be great.

The crafting system for the settlements is fucking terrible anyways. There is no way to build anything that isn't a shack with holes in it, placing objects is a huge pain in the ass, and you have to physically show each and every settler what to do. Oh and there isn't even a list of which people are doing what, so if you don't make a list your settlement will be a complete cluster fuck.

Is Fallout way better on the pc? I can't stand playing with a keyboard but every pc gamer I talk to acts like consoles are garbage in comparison.

I mod all of my games, so yeah, it's way better. I've heard that they now have certain approved mods for consoles, so that's cool. I just haven't played anything on console for years.

Eh, I just play the games how they're designed on the consoles I've been playing since I was a kid. What do I know about all these fancy modifications? Nothin, just give me Halo 3 and a container of Mountain Dew and I'll be all set.

I think most people who've never really played anything on pc underestimate the power of mods. I know I did. I would have stopped playing Civilization, Skyrim, Fallout, etc years ago if not for mods. I'm giving Fallout 4 another year or so before I play again so I can load that bitch up with so many mods that I forget how annoying the original release was.

Just plug your controller into your pc.

But I already spent $400 on an xbox.


This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Gregg Opie Cake Stomp Shock Jock Hughes would rather dox his ex fans than face up to his wife's past with Bam Margera. YOUR MOMS BOX

Cities Skylines

Fuck that shit, the roading is fucking impossible. Ruined a potentially really good game. Tropico 5 ftw.

Cheers, ill look it up

I think people have made traffic mods.


Nah I dont like games that are politically correct <<<<<<joke alert

swim walk

WoW Legion is pretty damn good. Almost makes up for a 14 month lapse in content.

I hadn't played much since Cataclysm and I've been surprised how entertaining it is.

videogames, what am i, four?

I schhuuurreee hope so. Want a new playstation?

We got a proud boy fellas

it's actually a florentine parody.

While you were gaming I was not masturbating because a grown man with a silly beard told me it was bad for me.

the battlefield one is in open beta on Orgin for free, amazing graphics and fun gameplay

It ends today though.

Damn I logged about 17 hours gameplay

Path of Exile

Single player games are for faggots. Get counter strike.

I been playing vive again.

But for normal pc games i played this really awful pretentious piece of shit called the beginners guide. Wanted to rant about that for a while now but im on my phone. Full review coming soon.

I'm currently playing Elder Scrolls Online, Stardew Valley, and 7 Days to Die. Also just bought Jalopy the other day, which is pretty good if you like weird games.

Own them all, only play Hearth Stone.

There's this new game called counter strike 1.6 that i'm really enjoying at the moment

I'm a fan of source personally, but I think we can all agree that GO is for dorks.

Overwatch and Rimworld


Stardew Valley was the last PC game I purchased. Its pretty fun for a stupid farming game.


it's actually a florentine parody.

While you were gaming I was not masturbating because a grown man with a silly beard told me it was bad for me.