Anchorman 2 fucking stinks

28  2016-09-07 by [deleted]

It's on USA right now, the "BIGGER AND BETTER" Anchorman fight is an embarassment. All the celebrity cameos, trying to recreate how funny the one from the first one was, and the fight is kicked off by The Goddess Athena who is played by Kristen Dunst who they obviously wanted to be played by Jennifer Lawrence or someone like that.

This is trying-too-hard: The Movie. I almost want to give them points for effort, but this fucking garbage is hamfisted, obvious satire and such a copy of the first movie.

And don't say "the first one sucked too," faggots.

Also Kristen Wiig's character as The Female Brick fucking stinks, and the commercials they're showing for "You're The Worst" the edgy millenial married couple show looks like AIDS. I shouldn't have to sit through this shit while waiting for a new Mr. Robot.

What say you, fellas?


The first one sucked too faggot


Hey now, no need for the harsh language. We're all friends here, guy.

He's not your guy, fwiend!

I don't think it sucks, but very overrated

I love Broken Lizard and Super Troopers, but this is what I fear Super Troopers 2 will be like. Way too many ham fisted references (ha! remember that from the first one?). I love IASIP, but they do this sometimes too. Some episodes from last season felt like they were written by fans.

The last season of Sunny was pretty terrible. Watching it was the first time I thought that they should maybe just end it if this is the quality from here on. They had a great run. I want it to end like Seinfeld. Not kept on life support like The Simpsons.

I was very surprised how many people in the Sunny sub liked those new episodes. The good majority were complete dogshit, and didn't have the flow or humor of the previous seasons. The ski trip episode was one of the most heinous things aired on television.

Have to agree, I thought I was not getting something all of a sudden when people were saying it was the best season yet.

The only one I really liked was Mac & Dennis move to the suburbs, which gave us the sheer excellence of Dennis screaming at people in traffic and then going off on the neighbor.

I thought it was the weakest season yet, but over time I usually discover that certain episodes I didn't like or really notice grow on me. The Great Recession and Frank's Reynolds' Little Beauties are examples. I imagine that Being Frank and Mac & Dennis Move to the Suburbs will probably grow on me like this in time.

I can't bring myself to rewatch that ski trip episode, though. You're right - that was fucking ponderous. It's like they were trying to do what South Park did in "Asspen" but the result was fucking dogshit.

Being Frank was a great one.

The last few seasons definitely grew on me as well. I wasn't crazy about them initially but going back and watching them there are a lot of really god damn funny and clever episodes. Frank's Little Beauties is a perfect example. I thought it kinda stunk the first time around but I watched it again and I was laughing really hard.

But the last season is the only one that I thought was so bad that it was noticeable. They were bordering on parody before, but now they just seem like cartoon characters. Every episode felt gimmicky. Like they tried to make every episode like one of those old ones where they crack the Liberty Bell or the World Series defense. Like they just dropped any sense of realism or character and tried to make the show as retarded as possible.

The ski trip one was great. They even got the actor who starred in Ski School. Have you even seen Ski School?

I could give a shit. I get it, 80's nostalgic ski movie. It's just not sunny.

The hot tub scene and the saxophone scene were just stupid. The only funny part of that episode was everyone finding out that one guy was a creep.

Ski School was from the early 90s bro. You don't even know what you're talking about.

I could give a shit

It's no Last American Virgin, or Private School, or Porky's, or Babe Watch, or Road Trip, or

Game of Thrones was the same way....season 6 was so dumbed down and awful and felt like a fan-fiction inspired "Game of Thrones: The Hollywood Ride" but many people on the sub said it was the best season...there are people out there that will just blindly love anything. People are excited for a new Power Rangers movie, for fuck sake.

How many times are you going to shoehorn your anger over GoT into something? I get it, the last season was very clearly a severe drop in quality from the previous ones. They were already stretching things out unnecessarily long in the past couple of seasons waiting for George R R R R R R R to finish the book but they couldn't wait any longer. HBO needed that cheddah

A lot. Idk if you've watched it but it was criminal how badly they botched that series and it deserves to be said at any opportunity.

Yeah, it was extremely noticeable within the first 2 minutes of dialogue when they were hamming it up like a CBS sitcom. But you should have seen this coming. They couldn't wait for him to finish the books, so they had to scramble to come up with their own stuff. Of course they aren't going to be able to do it as well as the guy who created the world and the characters in it. All they've had to do was take what he did and transfer it to TV.

They just didn't plan this whole thing very well. They were convinced that he would finish the book in time and he didn't.

Yeah, I did sorta see it coming, but not to the level of hackery that these fucks brought it to. And if it was generally understood(which it is to some degree) I would shut up about it, but the fact that there are idiots eating it up and saying it was "the best tv ever"annoys me that they can rely on the audience being fucking dummies and they don't even have to try to deliver anything good. I know it's how tv works and they couldn't wait for him but it kills me to see them basically nullify what was an amazing series they had going and nag a nabbit I'm gonna make pointless internet comments about it xD

It annoyed me, but I guess I don't care that much because I'm more of a Lord of the Rings guy than Game of Thrones. I get that the ASOF&I is supposed to be more grounded in reality and brutal and less high fantasy, but all of the storylines and character arcs revolving around penises is a bit much for me.

Plus, nothing will ever beat The Sopranos anyway. So everyone can fuck off with their Walking Dead and Breaking Bad bullshit. The Sopranos is still the best.

And while what you said is obvious to me, all these smug faggots said was that kit Harrington wasn't coming back(fucking off show awful is that) and that despite obviously scrambling like the assholes they are, they sat back and said this was the best season yet. As if they're better at telling this story than George r to the 30th power while they have zero competence. Opie could write a better game of thrones.

Jon Snow wakes up

"I'm all in with the Melisandre"

Or sumpthin tss


The last 3 seasons have been shit, like every show it peaked around seasons 3-5.

I think as a lot of comedies go on year after year they actually do end up being written more or less by fans. Some main people usually stick around but you can really tell in later seasons of shows like that or American Dad feel more an more like parodies of themselves depending on who's writing it. I mean Family Guy felt like that as soon as it came back and I think it's because a lot of it's original writers were unavailable so it was just this loud version of itself.

Last 2 seasons of seinfeld were written by fans. You can tell, but it was still great.

Dude, that movie is from 2013, and even then zero fucks were given.

You know it is 2016, and we got awesome movies like Ghostbusters with dripping period cunts, and coming soon, a bitch version of Oceans 11.

What a fine fucking time to be alive.

Don't forget Pad Maxi Fury Road. That shit's been on my DVR for like 2 years. Can't bring myself to watch it

Fury Road is fucking amazing. It can't help if feminists love it.

It's pretty great. Don't worry about what 12 loud angry large women on twitter want to say about it, it kicks ass.


A sequel to a mainstream comedy starring Will Ferrel wasn't very good? What are you going to tell me next, Grown Ups 2 wasn't very good?

People who still quote the first Anchorman need to be rounded up and exterminated.

Fifty percent of the time it works every time.

Brick Tamland is the least funny character in movie history.

The first movie is fucking garbage. The second one I won't even bother illegally downloading

I agree that the film is borderline unwatchable. They waited too long for a sequel and what they came up with was fucking garbage. A complete, unnecessary, embarrassing waste of a lot of funny people.

Kirsten Dunst is a goddess.

You're The Worst is actually a really funny show. Consider giving season one a shot. It's not what you think it is.

Agreed, You're the Worst is funny as shit.

How did you leave out Steve Carell? He should have 30 pine cones shoved up his ass for that movie. He hardly said a word in the first one, and in the sequel he seems like the main character in the first 40 minutes. I have no idea how the rest of the movie is, because I had to rage quit that turdbortion 40 minutes in. That movie is unwatchable. Movie 43 level horrible.

Eh, I didn't mind it, though I felt it was very unnecessary and several years too late.

and so does this shit post.

What do you think so far of the second season of Mr. Robot?

I like it so far, I think because I marathoned the first 5 episodes after forgetting it had started, so the slow pace didn't bother me. Also I hate Tyrell so his character's disappearance didn't bother me.

The best girl on there.

Tonight's episode was great.

She kind of looks like Barbara Stanwyck crossed with her mom Meryl Streep. I want to fuck her tight law enforcement pussy.

Darlene is great too.

I hate Angela because she's a mudshark. This sub is making me racist. :(

I love Angela- and of course they had to make her a coalburner. Sad!


That's because Will Ferrell fucking blows. He's beyond awful if he is anything other than a side character who gets more than 10 minutes of screen time. All he does is ham it up with very broad comedy that your mother and a frat bro can both equally enjoy. He's fine as Mugatu or Ashley Schaffer, but anything that stars him as the main character is going to be abysmal. Anchorman wasn't funny. Maybe a chuckle here and there. Why on earth would the sequel have been good?

And Steve Carrell's character has got to be one of the absolute worst characters in any medium ever. Not the slightest bit funny. They should have just had him wear a clown costume and shit his pants, because that's about where his level of humor is.

Zoolander 2 was awful as well.

I saw the regular version in theaters and thought it was alright. The R rated version is fucking garbage

What's the difference? The rated R one isn't the theater one?

The R-rated one is composed almost entirely of alternative takes and deleted scenes. It's 10x more shitty

I thought the decline of news they showed was interesting. I had no idea that at one point a car chase wasn't considered newsworthy.

I was on shrooms when I saw it so I thought it was pretty funny

It fucking sucked. Jokes went on so long

How many comedy sequels are actually good?

Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol


The only thing I remember about it is the theme song.

Dude... American pie 2 totally sucked!


I remember Adam complaining he couldn't get money for the sequel. He was lugging that script around for years. No wonder, it sucked balls. That was literally the end of the Will Ferral era. Good riddance.

You're correct, it was a steaming, trying-too-hard, pile of shit.


What about that blind scene? What the fuck was that?

Fuck off.

it was fine. got 2 or 3 laughs out of it. the rest was bad but not enough to make me upset or anything. i managed to carry on with my life pretty easily once it finished.

I will say the commentary in the movie was great, which I know Adam McKay likes to get into. He was trying to do it bigger and better which I wasn't a fan of, but turning the eye inward and doing a deeper critique on the media landscape was a great aspect that he should've explored more.

It's no Last American Virgin, or Private School, or Porky's, or Babe Watch, or Road Trip, or